#3375 - Not able to see the plugin in Mautic
HI Team,
We have took free trail of this plugin, and we are able to install plugin at suitecrm .. But at Mautic we are not able to see the plugin we have followed the steps in documentation but not able to see the plugin even after deleting the cache and clicking install and upgrade plugins.
But i can see the below error at apache log
[Sat Oct 21 15:54:13.579588 2017] [:error] [pid 2544:tid 1868] [client ::1:54015] PHP Warning - Declaration of MauticPlugin\\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle::onPluginInstall($plugin, $factory, $metadata = NULL, $installedSchema = NULL) should be compatible with Mautic\\PluginBundle\\Bundle\\PluginBundleBase::onPluginInstall(Mautic\\PluginBundle\\Entity\\Plugin $plugin, Mautic\\CoreBundle\\Factory\\MauticFactory $factory, $metadata = NULL, $installedSchema = NULL) - in file K:\\Sravani\\xampp\\htdocs\\mautic\\plugins\\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle\\EVolpeMarketingAutomationBundle.php - at line 23, referer: http://localhost/mautic/s/plugins
Mautic Version : 2.7.1
so as per the documentation(For Mautic version 2.7.0 and 2.7.1 copy only folder plugins) we have did the same
Kindly let us know what wrong we did
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago