by eVolpe Consulting Group

Are you facing difficulties trying to coordinate efforts between marketing and sales? The Mautic Integrator for Sugar/SuiteCRM by eVolpe is the best solution that will help you solve this issue. TRY IT NOW FOR FREE!

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#3884 - Incompatibility under onDemand instances (SugarCloud)

Closed Bug? created by redk - Professional Services BCN 6 years ago


We have a customer very interested in your plugin for SugarCRM. The instance is hosted on SugarCloud and it look the package doesn't comply the Sugar Open Cloud policy.

We got the following error:

_Scanning Package Installation failed! The package you are attempting to install does not conform to the policies established within the Sugar Open Cloud or by your system administrator.

Sugar Open Cloud customers must obtain a new package from the package provider that addresses the issues described below. If you are running Sugar locally, you can relax your Module Loader restrictions to allow the package to be installed.

Package Scan Policy Guide_

Is there any compatible package to be installed on SugarCloud? Let me know please if it is possible.

Thank you very much


Beatriz Reviejo Business Analyst and Product owner in redk

  1. eVolpe_Consulting_Group-primary-contact member avatar

    Unfortunately our integrator isn’t compatible with SugarCloud. There has been no interest on so it wasn't high priority for us. But if you have customer who really want to purchase our integrator, we can change that priority. I will contact with you via e-mail to talk about details.

  2. fhanoun member avatar

    Hi, Our customer is interested because they were using another kind of integration between Mautic and SugarCRM and currently it doesn't work. They were looking for a new solutions and they've asked for your solution directly. If you'd change the priority to high priority....How long should they wait before getting a compatible package for SugarCRM onCloud instances?

    Thank you and regards Beatriz Reviejo

    Business Analyst and Product Owner in redk

  3. fhanoun member avatar

    Hi, Any new?

    Thanks Beatriz Reviejo Business Analyst and Product Owner in redk

  4. eVolpe_Consulting_Group-primary-contact member avatar

    This is an individual case. Let's talk privately. I sent you an email and an invitation to LinkedIn.

  5. fhanoun member avatar

    Ok, thanks

  6. fhanoun member avatar

    Good morning,

    I have any email and I should send feedback our customer. Please, may you write me an email ( and tell me how long would you need for compatible package implementing? An estimated timing is enough, just I'd need to know the estimation to inform our customer.

    Thank you very much Regards

    Beatriz Reviejo Business Analyst and Product Owner in redk

  7. eVolpe_Consulting_Group-primary-contact member avatar

    Hi Beatriz,

    I have sent you an email and called your office (unfortunately with no luck). Please check your inbox or SPAM folder. You can also double-check with Olga Martos as her e-mail is registered as case's creator.

    Best, Piotr Jankowski

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