#4024 - Error on saving existing records in mautic
I get the following error message when saving some existing contact in mautic after adding and configuring an evolpe plugin:
"500 Internal Server Error - An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE leads SET attribution_date = ?, website = ?, facebook = ?, foursquare = ?, googleplus = ?, instagram = ?, linkedin = ?, skype = ?, twitter = ? WHERE id = ?' with params ["2019-02-13", "http:\/\/21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", 448]: Unknown column 'attribution_date' in 'field list' ". The creation of new contacts is still working.
Software: Mautic 2.15 (from github repo), Sugar Ent 8.0.2, eVolpe_CRM_Mautic_3.9.198.zip, eVolpe_Mautic_CRM_3.9.96.zip
P.S. Is it possible, that the synchronization of enum and multienum fields does not work?
6 years ago
6 years ago