#4294 - Cannot schedule reports for other users
Hello, So far the application will not allow me to schedule reports for other sugar users. I have tried scheduling it from my login as an admin, and have also scheduled from their account using your login. Either way they are emailed to me instead of the assigned user.
Please advise
5 years ago
Hello bstetzer,
Thanks for contacting us. Can you please tell us the exact flavor and version of SugarCRM you are using ?
5 years ago
Sugar 8.0.3 enterprise, on prem
5 years ago
Thanks for the reply.
We just tested again the feature using Sugar OnDemand 9.0.2 (lastest stable version) and this is working fine. The scheduled reports are created either to the running user (not only admin) and you can also add additional users to a schedule to send it multiple times using only one schedule.
Using sudo login let you use the report module as the sudoed user and so schedule its own reports.
I waited the necessary time to let the scheduler trigger the cron and then check the mailbox : the report were triggered and emails sent to the right recipient.
Do you have an available sandbox to have a look on your on-premise instance and help debug it ?
5 years ago
We would add to our knowledge despite the new feature introduced in Sugar 9, there's no specific evolution of the expected feature between 8 and 9 on scheduled reports. https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Versions/9.0/Ent/Application_Guide/Reports/#Adding_Users_to_Report_Schedules
We hope the user will be able to gain an access to either a sandbox or any 8.0.3 instance to debug it more closely, but we doubt to be in the case of a module bug, as the nature of the module that only superseed in memory the logged-in user (no business code modification in the reports module)
4 years ago
Unfortunately no feedback for the last 2 months. I am closing the case. Don't hesitate to let us know if anything can be added on this topic.