Support Cases | Author | Status | Type |
#4828 SugarCRM V13.0.2 Compatability - This was working for us up to SugarCRM V12.0.4. But now with SugarCRM V13.0.2 it is not working. Wil | Daniel Boulos | Open | Feature |
#4789 Sugar v12 & v13 Compatibility - Hi iDevIT, Can you please confirm if this is compatible with version 12 and 13 of Sugar. Thank | dpetersen | Open | General Question |
#4663 Will this be available for Version 12 - Will you be updating this to work with version 12 of SugarCRM? | bstetzer | Open | Feature |
#4580 V 11.1.0 - Is this compatible with Q3 upgrade? | Malarkey Roofing Admin | Closed | General Question |
#4535 Compatible with v11 - Hi, is current version compatible with Sugar v11.0? | Vincent | Closed | General Question |
#4483 Password changed automatically - When I go into a user profile and into edit view, then click save it says password successfully upda | bstetzer | Closed | Bug? |
#4345 LDAP and Users Unable to login - We have deployed this plugin into an environment with LDAP. After logging into a user account (from | eligeo | Closed | Bug? |
#4326 Non-Administrators - Is it possible to assign someone other than an Administrator the ability to "act" as other | eligeo | Closed | General Question |
#4294 Cannot schedule reports for other users - Hello, So far the application will not allow me to schedule reports for other sugar users. I have | bstetzer | Closed | Bug? |