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#3559 - Get coordinates from the iOS device or Android

Open Feature created by davidospinav 6 years ago

Hi. We've been testing the app for a while and we are very pleased with its performance and functionality. We just need one thing to make the decision to purchased it and its based in the georeferencing ability of the app. Currently we saw that the app has one button for that in the addresses section and works like charm for getting city, state and country of current location. Actually what we need is fill the fields Latitude and Longitude of the SuiteCRM Maps related to Accounts and others modules.

Can I do that?

Thanks and congrats for the great work.

  1. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago


    Thanks for your feedback.

    What you are asking is supposed to be done in SuiteCRM with logic_hooks and geocoding cron. That's the reason why we don't do it in the app. Did you setup that cron?

  2. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Sorry. I checked with developers and my answer was partly wrong. We already do that, but it only works when Google Maps logic hooks are not activated. When they are activated, they erase whatever latitude/longitude we save from the app (I guess this should be fixed by SuiteCRM).

    • davidospinav member avatar


      6 years ago

      Thanks for your quick reply. We don’t use the cron in SuiteCRM currently. So in that scenario how can I fill the lat-long fields with your app? With the buttons in address section? Thanks

    • bluquet member avatar

      NS-Team Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      Make sure logic hooks are not active in Google Maps settings. Then, saving records enabled for JJWG should find and save coordinates automatically.

    • davidospinav member avatar


      6 years ago

      Make sure logic hooks are not active in Google Maps. I have checked that and those are disabled Then, saving records enabled for JJWG should find and save coordinates automatically. We use the default fields of the CRM module (billing_address_street) and with those active, the button [Button GPS] ( marker.png "button GPS") appear and worked at least for the town, state and country (did not fill the lat-long fields). Now, I hid those fields and enabled JJWG field like jjwg_maps_address_c but the button has not show up and neither the fields jjwg_maps_lng_c or jjwg_maps_lat_c got filled which is the reason why we need this app. My guess is that I'm doing something wrong.

      Thank for your support.

    • bluquet member avatar

      NS-Team Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      Could you hide all the JJWG fields on the app. When they are displayed, we assume they can be entered manually and we don't fill them automatically. Just add them in SuiteCRM Studio if you want to check. You

  3. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Of course, this assumes that the address you entered was precise enough and Google Maps could find latitude and longitude. That would be the case if you use our géo referencing function. But if you enter an address manually, it's possible that Google Maps will not find it. Like PO Box 48123 or Building B, avenue Xxx

    • davidospinav member avatar


      6 years ago

      Thank you. If I getting this right, the user must write some address in order to the system save current location when the user press the button "here" above the address fields? I though that the entire Idea behind that button was that the user just have to press it to avoid filling of the entire addresses fields (except address of course which has to be manual).

      We liked to have some way to achive the georefering when the user is out there with just one button and complete the fields jjwg_maps_lng_c and jjwg_maps_lat_c in a most transparent way for the user. If he or she want to write the address that would be fine but our primary goal is complete those JJWG fields.

      Can we do that?

  4. bluquet member avatar

    NS-Team Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    I need to check what the Here button gets from Google Maps. If the full address is not retrieved, geolocation won't be precise enough and then, we won't save it. There are anyway other possible solutions like a Save coordinates custom button that could be added to different views. I believe we already helped another customer do that.

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