#3515 - Member of relation hides one of the contacts
Hi Support Team,
We think that we found a bug related to the "Member of" relationship and the visualisation in the dashlet. If more than 3 Contacts are related with the main Account, after adding the "Member of" relationship, the related Account hides the on the left side visible Contact of the main Account.
Here is a screenshot with the description of the bug: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FZ55S6fSYQveC5P5c5yseF60cGwdfTRw
Best regards, Clemens
7 years ago
Hello Clemens,
Thank you for contacting us about this issue. We will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind regards, Synolia Support
6 years ago
Hello Clemens,
A new version of the module is now available where this issue is corrected. The package name is SUGAR_SYNOORGCHART_7.9-to-7.10_20180123.zip and should be available in your "Purchases" page. To update your module, simply install it over the existing one using the "Module loader".
If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards, Synolia Support
6 years ago
Thx for the quick bugfix. It look good after the first test.