by Faye

The Faye SugarCRM QuickBooks Online Integration simplifies your accounting and customer relationship management needs by integrating the two software packages. Organizations can use both packages together without missing out on features critical to streamlining operations and minimizing double work. SugarCRM and QuickBooks can help you get there.

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#1001 - Customize Integration to work with CE and Advanced Open Sales?

Closed Feature created by donkennedy 10 years ago
Many of us in the SugarCE community use Advanced Open Sales to bring Quote and Invoice functionality to Sugar. Can you adapt your module to allow for payment processing and QuickBooks integration with AOS?
  1. FBSG-primary-contact member avatar

    Support @ Faye

    10 years ago

  2. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software

    8 years ago

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