by techloyce

AdobeSign for Sugar allows you to send documents or contracts for electronic signature using AdobeSign from within SugarCRM. Track your documents anytime, anywhere within minutes. Supports the use of PDF templates or AdobeSign templates to send documents to Sugar accounts, contacts, or leads for e-signature.

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#2952 - Oracle Support

Open General Question created by bdekoning 7 years ago
I'm working with a customer that was using a different EchoSign connector for Sugar 6, and they could no longer use it in the process of upgrading to Sugar 7.7. I wanted to reach out and see if this connector is supported in an IIS Windows environment connecting to an Oracle DB. Thanks!
  1. techloyce member avatar

    techloyce Provider

    7 years ago

  2. techloyce member avatar

    techloyce Provider

    7 years ago

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