#2337 - Cannot print any report - Working in progress
I'm facing a strange issue trying to use sugarprint. I installed the module, did a quick repair. Then I tried to create a report both from listview and detailview. Both for excel, grid and pdf the process starts and the system shows Work in Progress, but it never ends. I also tried to set permissions to 775 for the whole instance.
I used your last module version (1.38) on the following version: SuiteCRM Version 7.2.2 Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)
Please help me solve this issue quickly. Thanks
8 years ago
Buongiorno, potrebbe cortesemente inviarmi via mail (a alberto@sugar-project.com) gli accessi ad un account temporaneo del vostro CRM? In questo modo potrò identificare rapidamente la natura del problema. Cordiali saluti, Alberto Pozzi
8 years ago
We sent credentials a month ago and didn't get any feedback. We called you 7 times and continuously get postponed to the following week. Is it possible to solve this issue??