by Sugar-project

SugarPrint enables printing to PDF / XLS export of any: List view, Detail view and Calendar view in SuiteCRM and SugarCRM Community Edition. SugarPrint makes exporting basic or advanced Search Results to PDF or Excel a one-click process.

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#2337 - Cannot print any report - Working in progress

Open Bug? created by nordestinnovazione Verified Purchase 8 years ago


I'm facing a strange issue trying to use sugarprint. I installed the module, did a quick repair. Then I tried to create a report both from listview and detailview. Both for excel, grid and pdf the process starts and the system shows Work in Progress, but it never ends. I also tried to set permissions to 775 for the whole instance.

I used your last module version (1.38) on the following version: SuiteCRM Version 7.2.2 Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

Please help me solve this issue quickly. Thanks

  1. marcomm member avatar

    Sugar-project Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Buongiorno, potrebbe cortesemente inviarmi via mail (a gli accessi ad un account temporaneo del vostro CRM? In questo modo potrò identificare rapidamente la natura del problema. Cordiali saluti, Alberto Pozzi

  2. nordestinnovazione member avatar

    nordestinnovazione Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    We sent credentials a month ago and didn't get any feedback. We called you 7 times and continuously get postponed to the following week. Is it possible to solve this issue??

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