#712 - Issues with setup
I have an existing IVR for our inbound sales calls, this is not managed by Twilio
Our sales team use both their mobiles as well as desk phones for calls inbound/outbound to customers
I am wanting to use your integration for outbound calls to customers
I would like to clarify that we can use your system for what I'm wanting to achieve
1) Someone working on an opportunity or contact in SugarCRM, they find a phone number and click dial
2) It calls the sales rep on their mobile or desk phone and connects them to the customer
3) It records the call as an entry in sugarcrm and maybe stores the voice recording of the call
I also presently have the following issues:
Country code selector in Module settings is not showing up:
1) Missing required field: {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label=LBL_TWILIO_COUNTRY_CODE module=rolus_Twilio_Account}{/capture}{$label|strip_semicolon}
And saving IVR Settings I get these errors:
1) Missing required field: {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label="LBL_WELCOME_MESSAGE" module="rolus_Twilio_Extension_Manager"}{/capture}{$label|strip_semicolon}
2) Missing required field: {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label="LBL_EXTENSION_DIGITS" module="rolus_Twilio_Extension_Manager"}{/capture}{$label|strip_semicolon}
3) Missing required field: {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label="LBL_OPERATOR_DIAL_SYMBOL" module="rolus_Twilio_Extension_Manager"}{/capture}{$label|strip_semicolon}
How do I fix this?
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago