by Fanatical Labs

Empower your support and sales teams with clear visibility to the right data, right when they need it. With the Zendesk and Sugar integration, your teams will be able to stay up-to-date on all relevant records whether they're working in Zendesk or SugarCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3237 - Zendesk app renders Zendesk unusable - required removal by Zendesk support

Closed Bug? created by Jon Fuller 7 years ago

Hi there, Today we had a problem where Zendesk ticket views became unusable, and the Zendesk team traced that back to the Sugar App and disabled it. I'm happy to share the link to the Zendesk support ticket, and to work with you to try and get to the bottom of the problem before I reenable the app. Thanks in advance, Jon

  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    7 years ago

    Hi Jon, really sorry for the issue. We've been in contact with Zendesk. Can you please send me the link to the support ticket? You can add to the ticket if you need an email address.

    We actually got everything sorted out last night. It ended up being a combination of a Zendesk bug and our app doing something unexpected. The bug is fixed and the app should work as expected now.

    Were you having issues with the app being installed multiple times?

    You should be able to reinstall the app without issues now. You can do that with the following steps:

    Re-install the app (through the marketplace or re-enable if it's still disabled), Then go to Sugar > Admin > Zendesk Configuration Go to Step 3 "Connect" Make sure your Zendesk subdomain is correct and click the Zendesk logo Once you are redirected back to Sugar you should be good to go.

    Let me know if you have any questions about any of this. We can also jump on a call if you'd prefer. You can pick a day/time that works for you here:

    Thanks and sorry again!

  2. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    7 years ago

    Hi Jon, just wanted to do a quick followup here. I just got off a call with another client who had similar issues and after reinstalling everything worked great.

    Any luck getting it reinstalled?

    • jonf member avatar

      Jon Fuller

      7 years ago

      Hi Chad, Thanks for the follow up. I've reinstalled the extension (although not configured anything on the Sugar side yet) and everything seems to be working as expected so far. Thanks, Jon

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      Hi Jon, good to hear. Thanks for the update.

      I don't expect any issues for you on the Sugar side of things. Let me know if you'd like to have a call and I can set it all up for you on the Sugar side. I can also help get other fields and modules displayed on the Zendesk side if you need that.

      I'm going to close this case out for now. Definitely let me know if you need anything else.


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