by Fanatical Labs

Empower your support and sales teams with clear visibility to the right data, right when they need it. With the Zendesk and Sugar integration, your teams will be able to stay up-to-date on all relevant records whether they're working in Zendesk or SugarCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#4850 Can the Zendesk Plugin link two Zendesk accounts - We have been using the Fantatical Zendesk add-ons for several years. It currently is linked to one Closed General Question
#4749 Can't download package from "purchases" - Hello, When i try to download the package for Sugar12 from the "purchases" tab I get th Vlad Closed General Question
#4732 My customer wants to cancel their subscription - I'm a Sugar partner and my customer no longer is using this integration. Closed General Question
#4700 Error installing package - New SugarCloud policy - We're affiliate of Sugaroutfitters. Sugar has changed the SugarCloud policy and we're not redk - Professional Services BCN Closed Bug?
#4690 Fatal error in sugarcrm while syncing tickets from chat channel - Hi team, We are getting lot of fatal errors in our SugarCRM logs. We are on Ultimate edition vers webdev1 Closed Bug?
#4671 Dashlet Settings - Default Order & # of Tickets showing - Selections made when editing the dashlet are not retaining when viewing case list. I can select Defa Joshua Carter Closed Bug?
#4651 Bug on agent - Hi, for some agents the Fanatical zendesk doesn't work on zendesk , could you please helps us pierre1 Closed Bug?
#4650 Fanatically Zen no longer working - We are getting the following error where our Fanatically Zen displays tickets in SugarCRM We di Closed Bug?
#4634 Tickets from Zendesk not pushing to Cases in SugarCRM - We recently had a lapse in our license for FanaticallyZen. That has been resolved. I have installe Closed Installation
#4628 sugerchimp table size become too large - Hi, We found that the sugarchimp table become larger and larger, around 17.4 GiB. As the data al Closed General Question
#4545 Can connect any more with Sugar Crm - Hi, We have another time a error message connecting with sugar CRM On sugar all looks ok pierre1 Closed Bug?
#4544 Problems installing for Sugar version 11.0.0 - Hello support, We, Crossref, began our free trial yesterday and I am attempting to install today Isaac Farley Closed Installation
#4487 Errors after removign module - after removing the fanatical zendesk module I am getting the log file is still showing the following WebWorkz Closed General Question
#4451 our connexion another off - Hi sorry but our connexion is another time HS between Zendesk and Sugar We definitaly need to pierre1 Closed Bug?
#4439 Error / No connexion with sugar // same problem as 2 monthe ago ticket 4381 - Hi We have another time the same problem as 2months ago pierre1 Closed Bug?
#4436 Connection Sugar CRM & Zendesk not working anymore - Hi all since 20/9/2019 we've had a license for Sugar CRM & zendesk. Not this is not work ch1 Closed Bug?
#4433 Receiving Error in Sugar Linking Specific Customer Data - See attached image. We are receiving this error "We did not receive a response in the 200 range Levi Scott Closed Bug?
#4381 Error / No connexion with sugar - HI Our widget dens't match any more with our sugar CRm Could you tell me how to process t pierre1 Closed Bug?
#4330 Sugar 9.3.0 supported version - Hello, The latest release of the module (26 feb 2020) is compatible with 9.0.X, 9.1, 9.2 and 10 b synolia Closed General Question
#4318 Fanatical Zendesk Dashboard Error - We updated our sub-domain name on 1/31; we have also updated our Zendesk configuration in Admin to t kgravelle Closed Feature
#4303 trigger on business rules - This trigger (automatic) Fanatical Zendesk - SugarCRM Trigger has no more action notification tar pierre1 Closed Bug?
#4276 Sugar Inc. will discontinue support for TLS v 1.0/1.1 -- Any actions required? - Hello, Sugar Inc. recently announced that they will stop support of TLS v 1.0 / 1.1 for any Sugar Thomas_MG Closed General Question
#4213 The information of sugar crm don't show in zendesk - ![Captura de pantalla 2019-08-26 a las 16.22.57.png]( mmartinezexaprint Closed Bug?
#4039 Fatal Errors in Sugarcrm log - could not find a subdomain_config_mapping config - Hey guys, Our sugarcrm log in production is flooded with fatal errors from the plugin. It looks webdev1 Closed General Question
#4021 Installation stops at 80% - Hey guys, I have been facing issues installing the plugin in sugarcrm version 8.0.2. It was worki webdev1 Closed Installation
#3971 Data not loading for few user in Sugar - Hi, Some user can see the date into Sugar CRM, but some other can't. CF. Img attached. Ca pierre1 Closed Bug?
#3927 Question regarding our Zendesk integration and compatibility with SugarCRM 8.2 - Tomorrow evening our SugarCRM will be upgraded from v8.1 to v8.2. The SugarCRM module loader shows Teo Tech Closed General Question
#3919 Migrating Sugar cases to Zendesk tickets - We are in the process of migrating our support from SugarCRM to Zendesk. However, we have years and glockner Closed Feature
#3801 Custom Fields in Zendesk Plugin - Hello, one of our customers uses Fanatically Zen Professional. They would like to see more informa thdillinger Closed Feature
#3699 Is Fanatically Zen compatible with Sugar 7.9 and 8.0? - Hello, we plan to upgrade a customer Sugar (currently on to 7.9 or 8.0. The system is host Thomas_MG Closed General Question
#3575 Tickets stopped loading in SugarCRM - Hello, I all was good and now is not. The SugarCRM TIckets stopped loading. We Moved the server jcox Closed General Question
#3538 Can't install to Sugar - Hi, 1) When I upload the zip file for Sugar 7 and then try to install it in Sugar's Module L sara1 Closed Installation
#3518 Previous Version Still Displaying Over New Install - Hello, Our company signed up for a free trial of the first version of the app back in July (?) 20 Levi Scott Closed Bug?
#3369 Links in Zendesk have stopped working - Dear Chad and Team, unfortunately the links in Zendesk to Sugar have stopped working. It would be Melanie Lange Closed Bug?
#3348 SugarCRM Health Check failing due to a Zendesk file - I'm running SugarCRM Prof On-Demand version and required to upgrade to 7.9. The SugarC Teo Tech Closed General Question
#3342 Zendesk Widget and Slowness - Hello, We have been advised by Zendesk that they are retiring a SugarCRM integration that we are Wisenet Closed Bug?
#3240 Fanatically Zen with Zendesk that use 2FA authentication - Hi team, If I enable Zendesk 2FA authentication ( johannessidarta Closed General Question
#3237 Zendesk app renders Zendesk unusable - required removal by Zendesk support - Hi there, Today we had a problem where Zendesk ticket views became unusable, and the Zendesk team t Jon Fuller Closed Bug?
#3229 Urgent: Zendesk Marketplace Error - Dear Fanatical Team, we are having a massive issue with your Zendesk Marketplace App atm. As it h Melanie Lange Closed Bug?
#3224 Creating Case from Sugar - I am not sure if I am missing something but it doesn't seem to create a ticket from Sugar as ex Brian Bradford Closed Feature
#3214 The filter chosen at the beginning of the dashlet creation is not retained - Hi, When you add Fanatically Zen add-on to Sugar, you need to configure its filter. Once you sa johannessidarta Closed Bug?
#3136 Zendesk tickets not showing up in SugarCRM - Hi Support tea,, I installed the basic version of the Zendesk-sugarcrm integration module. I jordyschoonhoven1 Closed Installation
#3128 Filter of dashlet - We need to have an immediate view into the dashlet of account module of the info below: - how many OpenSymbol Srl Closed General Question
#3121 Unable to uninstall Fanatically Zen with Sugar and Zendesk (Stuck on 82%) - Hi, I'm trying to uninstall this customisation and it's getting stuck on 82%: https:/ Sugabyte Closed Bug?
#3095 Fanatically Zen With Sugar plugin - Zendesk part is not working - Instead of showing the Sugar data, it loads indefinitely. Sugar side of the plugin works well, thoug juredujmovic Closed Bug?
#3085 Add custom fields - How do you get custom fields to show in ZenDesk? I don't see an option to change the layout. dtroup Closed Feature
#3044 SugarCRM Health Check failing due to a Zendesk file - Our SugarCRM is an OnDemand version (Build 23). Sugar is attempting to upgrade it to versio Teo Tech Closed Bug?
#3025 500 Sugar Server error - Php fatal error validation - Hi Chad, Like last week Friday our customer has reported that he can't review any Account, mhoffmann Closed Bug?
#2999 Sugar Opportunities missing in Zendesk - Hi Chad, According to the customer with the new 2.0.1 version, they are not currently seeing any mhoffmann Closed Bug?
#2993 Module not loading in Zendesk - Stopped working about two days ago? jcox Closed Feature
#2970 Sugar Details are not loading into Zendesk App - Hi There, I have installed fanatical Zen professional version.When I did the setup first time int Dbvisit Software Limited Closed Bug?
#2969 Module 2.0.0 installed - Intelligence panel throwing 500 error - Hi, After updating the 2.0.0 module (several attempts on a test system where initially it stopped mhoffmann Closed Bug?
#2959 After installing when you go to module it sais no data page does not exist - I am trying to try out the new profesional version and it will not work all it sais is no data in th ddevine Closed Bug?
#2849 install - never passes 80% and entire SugarCRM reports HTTP ERROR 500. Site is down - install - never passes 80% and entire SugarCRM reports HTTP ERROR 500. Site is down. htkim129tp Closed Installation
#2801 Recent Opportunities Not Visible in ZenDesk - We have just installed the integration today. Zendesk tickets are visible in Sugar and working well. Melanie Lange Closed Installation
#2795 Install - Blank screen - After clicking ACCEPT, runs for 5mins and than goes to a blank white screen ChrisWIlliams Closed Installation
#2559 excessive logging - our sugarcrm is set to fatal on logging, however most of the data in the log is a result of the zend operations Closed Bug?
#2545 Sugar info not visible from Zendesk - I installed the SugarCRM integration into Sugar first, and then installed the Zendesk App. I can suc Jon Fuller Closed Bug?
#2544 Setting up Sugar - I installed the SugarCRM integration into Sugar first, and then installed the Zendesk App. I can suc Iris Adä Closed Installation
#2541 Reporting - Is it possible to have a reporting based on the zendesk tickets? I would need the support time per c Iris Adä Closed General Question
#2504 Installation on SugarOnDemand - after uploading module, install freezes at 80% operations Closed Bug?
#2417 Also cant see Sugar contacts in Zendesk - Hi, I am unable to view Sugar contacts in the Zendesk application. This feature was originally w Kevin Mallon Closed General Question
#2322 Zendesk install still missing features - I had to uninstall the zendesk sugarcrm integration. Too bad since it wasnt as complete without the jwong Closed Feature
#2317 Sugar Customer Info in Zendesk - Hi There, We have recently upgraded to Sugar7.6.0.1 and using Zendesk Sugar integration provided Dbvisit Software Limited Closed Bug?
#2315 Not able to see the 'Welcome Screen', and now not able to uninstall - We have the older Zendesk plugin 2.18 in our SugarCRM but that doesn't really work for us excep mhernandez Closed Installation
#2247 not able to add dashlet in sugar - Hi - i was able to install the package and connect. but i am getting stuck at the dashlet. i am no jwong Closed Installation
  • "We can integrate Sugar and Zendesk with this integration. It even works with Sugar Community edition 6.5. Their support engineer is awesome and went t..." - Increments

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