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#3348 - SugarCRM Health Check failing due to a Zendesk file

Closed General Question created by Teo Tech 7 years ago

I'm running SugarCRM Prof On-Demand version and required to upgrade to 7.9. The SugarCRM Health Check returns the following error:

HC UnsupportedPropertyAccess Resolution The example error shown above was caused by a problem in the named file, ./custom/include/ChartReports/SummaryQuery.php. The example custom code uses a property, field_name_map, which has been removed in Sugar We can see this on line 551 of the problematic file:

if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'relate') { $relateId = $fieldDef['id_name']; $fieldDef = $this->full_bean_list[$tableKey]->field_name_map[$relateId]; }

The field_defs property should be used instead of field_name_map. field_defs is compatible with all Sugar versions. In order to proceed with the upgrade, either update or remove the offending line of code or disable the specified file so that it no longer references the removed property.

if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'relate') { $relateId = $fieldDef['id_name']; $fieldDef = $this->full_bean_list[$tableKey]->field_defs[$relateId]; }

So, my question is, if I upgrade my Zendesk integration to the recent version 2.1.1, installing it over the existing instance, my issue will still exist, right? So, I need to uninstall the existing Zendesk, then install the v2.1.1. That will remove the problematic file and utilize the upgraded/updated code, I'm thinking, or no? Problem with that path?


  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    7 years ago

    Hello, sorry for the issue. I can try to help with this one.

    I took a look at our codebase (previous versions and the current version) and I cannot find a place we use "field_name_map". The file in question custom/include/ChartReports/SummaryQuery.php is not a file that we add or modify when you install the Zendesk integration.

    Is it possible this error message is originating for another add-on or integration?

    Can you go to Sugar > Admin > Module Loader and tell me what else you have installed? That may give us some clues as to where the error is originating from.

    Otherwise, do you have any other clues why this might point to the Zendesk integration?

    Let me know what you find. Thanks!

    • nancyearnst member avatar

      Teo Tech

      7 years ago

      I see, sorry, the link they gave me only depicted an example, not the real issue. My bad.... take a look at this, then:

      [2017-10-02T19:09:09+00:00] BUCKET => F: [Issue 98][useOfAppViewInvokeParent][562][Use of removed Sidecar app.view.invokeParent method in custom/clients/base/views/zendesk-dashlet/zendesk-dashlet.js]

      Does that make sense?

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      Got it, no worries. That's exactly what I needed. We've had a couple of others report this issue as well.

      This is a remnant of the old Zendesk integration. When the old Zendesk integration was uninstalled it did not remove everything it was suppose to.

      To get this resolved, you will need to ask Sugar to manually delete the "custom/clients/base/views/zendesk-dashlet" folder. After doing this you should not have any issues upgrading.

      The current version of integration is compatible with Sugar 7.9.

      Let me know if Sugar is able to help you with this and if you have any other questions. Thanks!

    • nancyearnst member avatar

      Teo Tech

      7 years ago

      Excellent, thank you. Do you recommend I upgrade Zendesk prior to the Sugar upgrade or just wait till after the Sugar upgrade?

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      You're quite welcome!

      I would recommend going ahead and do the upgrade. It is not dependent on the Sugar upgrade, so either way it is completely up to you.

      When you do upgrade the integration, download the package from your orders page: then go to Sugar > Admin > Module Loader, upload and install the new package (do not uninstall the previous version). After the installation completes, go through the setup steps and that should be it.

      Let us know if you have any issues doing this. Thanks again!

    • nancyearnst member avatar

      Teo Tech

      7 years ago

      Cool, I'll run the Zendesk upgrade after hours tonight and let Sugar know they can manually delete the folder and run the Sugar upgrade whenever.

      I appreciate the quick response, thank you!

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      How'd the upgrade go?

      We've been in touch with Sugar and they're going to be removing this folder for everyone in the same situation. So maybe that will help speed the process up on your side.

    • nancyearnst member avatar

      Teo Tech

      7 years ago

      Thanks, Chad, I advised SugarCRM I would be running the Zendesk upgrade after hours last night and asked when they planned to actually run our Sugar upgrade after removing the particular folder. I haven't heard from them yet, but I did complete my Zendesk upgrade part so whenever they can get us on their schedule will be fine. I'm sure others will appreciate the action you took in communication with Sugar regarding this folder. No doubt it will be a time saver for all involved. Thanks again.

  2. nancyearnst member avatar

    Teo Tech

    7 years ago

    Oh, oh, Sugar ran a new Health Check after I upgraded the Zendesk version and there are additional issues. The message from Sugar:

    I removed the directory and ran a new health check on the instance. It looks like the new Zendesk integration also has issues, because it returned the following errors:

    [2017-10-05T16:11:52+00:00] BUCKET => F: [Issue 31][foundEcho][425][Found "echo" in modules/FanaticalZendesk/includes/classes/Fanatical/Zendesk/LogicHook.php on line 125] [2017-10-05T16:11:52+00:00] BUCKET => F: [Issue 32][foundEcho][425][Found "echo" in modules/FanaticalZendesk/includes/classes/Fanatical/Zendesk/LogicHook.php on line 125] [2017-10-05T16:11:52+00:00] BUCKET => F: [Issue 33][foundEcho][425][Found "echo" in modules/FanaticalZendesk/includes/classes/Fanatical/Zendesk/LogicHook.php on line 125]

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      Ah darn, I see it now. I think that's a new one they are checking for.

      I will provide a new package that will get around that issue soon. You'll be able to download the update from your orders page when it is ready. I'll be sure to let you know.


    • nancyearnst member avatar

      Teo Tech

      7 years ago

      Ok, I'll let Sugar know.

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      Hello, I just posted a new update. You can download and install that just like you did last time. Be sure to use the Sugar 7 package.

      After you install the update you should be able to run the upgrade health check and see the errors go away.

      Let me know how it goes. Thanks for your patience!

    • nancyearnst member avatar

      Teo Tech

      7 years ago

      Thanks, I'll run it after hours tonight and give you an update after the Health Check.

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      Sounds like a plan. Let me know how it goes.

  3. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    7 years ago

    How did the upgrade go? Did you get any feedback from your Sugar users?

  4. nancyearnst member avatar

    Teo Tech

    7 years ago

    Ooops! Wrong case, so as I was saying...... you can close this case today. I heard only from one user that claimed inability to login today and doubtful that issue is related. So, anyway, thank you for your help, another job well done!

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins

      7 years ago

      Good to hear, thanks for the update!

      Let us know if you need anything else. Have a great rest of the week.

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