#3518 - Previous Version Still Displaying Over New Install
Our company signed up for a free trial of the first version of the app back in July (?) 2016 and the features at the time were not what we needed. We're definitely interested in the newest version and I activated our free trial to give it a go. I made sure I uninstalled the 1.0.0 before installing the new module. I did a Quick Repair and Rebuild of Sugar and when I try and add the Dashlet to the accounts page it is still pulling the old Dashlet called "Fanatically Zen" instead of the new Dashlet that I believe should be called "Zendesk Tickets". When I load the Dashlet called "Fanatically Zen" I just receive and message stating our Free Trial has expired.
Any suggestions?
7 years ago
Hello, thanks for giving it another try. My guess is the old license key is still installed in the system.
To update the license key, go to Sugar > Admin > Zendesk Configuration and follow the steps.
On step 2 of the configuration it will ask you for a license key, you'll want your new license key which you can find on your orders page here: https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/members/lscott/orders
Add the new license key and click "Validate". After doing that be sure to follow the steps on step 3.
After all of this, when you go back to a Contact and try to add the dashlet you'll find one called "Fanatical Zendesk" that's the one you want to add.
Let us know if you have any issues with this. We can also schedule a call to go over this if you would prefer. You can pick a day/time here if so: https://calendly.com/fanaticallabs/zendesk-support-meeting
7 years ago
Thanks Chad! That worked. Now when I try and install the app on the Zendesk side, it's prompting me to load the 2.1.4 and use a different license key. Which after entering, the Sugar side still works and the Zendesk app still just shows instructions on installation.
7 years ago
Sure thing. Progress!
Try this:
Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
7 years ago
Perfect. We're up and running! Thanks!
7 years ago
Excellent! I'll get this case closed out.
Let me know if you need any other modules or fields displayed on the Zendesk side. Thanks!