by Fanatical Labs

Empower your support and sales teams with clear visibility to the right data, right when they need it. With the Zendesk and Sugar integration, your teams will be able to stay up-to-date on all relevant records whether they're working in Zendesk or SugarCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3575 - Tickets stopped loading in SugarCRM

Closed General Question created by jcox 6 years ago


I all was good and now is not. The SugarCRM TIckets stopped loading. We Moved the server over the weekend but not sure that played a part as it stopped working before the move.

Jon Cox

  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    6 years ago

    Hi Jon, I was able to give everything a look. All looks good on the licensing side.

    I'm thinking the issue is you're on an older version of the integration. Some things have changed on the Zendesk side which may have stopped this piece from working.

    Try these steps:

    1. Download the latest package for the integration here:
    2. Go to Sugar > Admin > Module Loader and install the new package. Do not uninstall the old package.
    3. When the installation completes, go to Sugar > Admin > Zendesk Configuration and go through the steps again. Be sure to click on the "connect to zendesk" image even if it says you are already connected.

    After following these steps, check to see if you're now seeing the information flow through.

    If not, let's schedule a call so I can take a look. You can do that here:

    Also, looking back over old emails you were looking for maybe some custom ways to search/match records. Did we get that setup for you? Our latest editions have the capability to do this, we just have to update your configuration to make it work that way.

    Let me know how it goes. Thanks!

    • jcox member avatar


      6 years ago


      Ok, No problem. Will run the mentioned outline and let you know how it goes.


  2. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    6 years ago

    One other thing you might want to check is your site_url in the config.php file.

    If you moved servers, this site_url value may need to change as well.

    If you go to the SugarCRM files on the web server, open config.php. Search for site_url. That value of that should be the same URL that you use to access Sugar.

    Does that match exactly? Be sure to check http/https. Needs to be exact.

    Thanks again!

  3. jcox member avatar


    6 years ago

    Ok, when i run the connector and click on the connect Zendesk icon the website comes back with a time out error. Exception: Operation timed out after 30001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

  4. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    6 years ago

    Hi Jon, this is a really old ticket. I'm going to go ahead and close this out.

    I'm pretty sure we resolved this connection issue a long time ago. Please let me know if you are still having issues.


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