by Fanatical Labs

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#4749 - Can't download package from "purchases"

Closed General Question created by Vlad a year ago


When i try to download the package for Sugar12 from the "purchases" tab I get the error

![Capture d'écran 2023-04-12 100252.png]('%C3%A9cran%202023-04-12%20100252.png "Capture d'écran 2023-04-12 100252.png")

"File could not be found in past order history."

Can you please provide some assistance in downloading the latest version of the plugin?

Thanks, Vlad

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hi Vlad, 

    Happy to help. So I can take a closer look, can you send an email to with your license key? Additionally, can you confirm the account that was used to purchase Fanatically Zen?That will help me locate the order and see additional details.

    Thanks, Heidi

  2. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    Hi Vlad,

    Thanks for sending that information along to our email. I don't see anything out of the ordinary with this purchase, so I recommend following up with SugarOutfitters directly to troubleshoot why this is appearing for you.

    In the meantime, I've gone ahead and replied to your email with the package you're needing. Let me know if you run into any further trouble.

    Best, Heidi

  3. test2test2339440 member avatar

    test2 test2<

    11 months ago


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