by GrinMark

Seamless integration and synchronization of data between Microsoft Exchange and Sugar®. Yes, this is AESync you all know and love!

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  • Add-on Rating
    04:05 am July 10, 2018 | share link

    I'm using this on SuiteCRM 7.9.9 and Outlook 365 for the purposes of syncing Contacts and emails. We're using the "Sync to Outlook" flag in SuiteCRM to identify which contacts we would like to sync to Outlook, as contacts are used across multiple users (but not all contacts). So this functionality was exactly what we were after.

    I have to say, this was the fourth Outlook 365/SuiteCRM plugin/integration we have tried, and I wasn't holding out much hope after the disappointing experiences I've had. However, Denis from Grinmark was amazing. He answered every single one of my pre-sale and post-sale questions - and configured his solution so it worked exactly the way we needed it to.

    It works like a charm - silently in the background every 10 minutes, syncing our contacts and emails. I am absolutely stoked with this product and with Denis' superb customer service. I wish I had come upon it first and not had to go through the pain of trialling out all the other solutions that couldn't do what we needed. I can't recommend him and his Sync product highly enough.

  • "I'm using this on SuiteCRM 7.9.9 and Outlook 365 for the purposes of syncing Contacts and emails. We're using the "Sync to Outlook" flag in ..." - deleted

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