Alfresco and SugarCRM
Do you save your files in Alfresco ?
Do you want your files in Sugar to be saved to Alfresco automatically?
Then SugarAlfresco is for you.
This plugin takes care of syncing your Alfresco and SugarCRM files on your Accounts in Sugar.
With this add-on you can upload your file from your CRM to Alfresco. It's straight forward to use. Just select your file and save. It will be automatically upload to your Alfresco repository.
You can access and upload data/files between Sugar and Alfresco
- File Uploads
- File Downloads
- Two Way Sync
Version Support
The Alfresco integration works with SugarCRM on all hosting environments. Tested and works great with both on premise and On Demand installs of SugarCRM.
How it Works
Now you have to open Accounts module.As there are no records so we will create by clicking “Create” see screenshot below
To upload files on Alfresco from Account modules, create Account record or open existing one.
In subpanel of Account record, find alfresco subpanel, now click on “Plus icon” button and fill the form and press on “save” button you will be able to upload files relating to this account on Alfresco with account record name folder. See screenshot below,
Here is the detail of uploaded file, see screenshot below
Login to Alfresco to view saved file from SugarCRM, see screenshot below
Upload a new file in that Alfresco Repository, see screenshot below
In account module open same record name where we upload file in Alfresco Repository, and click on “Download Alfresco File” button to sync file from Alfresco Repository, see screenshot below
After syncing files are shown in account module related record.
In Alfresco Subpanel of Account the sync files show, see screenshot below