Restore Deleted Records, Track Reasons, and More
Not only are you able to restore deleted records, Trash Bin kicks it up a notch with the following additional abilities: Track reasons for deletions, Set up auto deletions, Turn on for any stock or custom module, Manage Trash Bin permissions. Read on to learn more.
Customize Your Theme With Pimp My Sugar
Change your login splash page, alter the theme colors, and even customize visual icon indicators based on dropdown values with Synolia's Pimp my Sugar.
New Dashboard Append Tool for Safely Customizing Dashboards
Dashboard Copy Manager has always been the easiest tool to copy dashboards to one or many users. But it didn't solve the issue where users have their own customized dashboards and an admin wants to push out an additional dashboard without wiping out existing dashboards. This has been the most common feature request from our customers and now we are excited to include Dashboard Append within Dashboard Copy Manager.
The Really Big List of Sugar 9 Add-ons
The Sugar Community has been hard at work getting add-ons updated to be compatible with the latest Sugar 9 release. Read on to view the full list as of today.
Essential Features to Look for Before Buying Any CRM Survey Tool
Surveys provide a solid picture of customers’ opinions and behavior towards your services or products. It helps you craft a successful marketing plan and maximize your efforts. For example, a politician can win the election if he creates his election campaign around the voters' expectations. A training program is likely to enroll more people if they can design their program around the solutions of particular problems.
Add-On Spotlight
LinkedIn Leads for SugarCRM
Push the LinkedIn Information as a Lead into your CRM. With the Chrome extension the LinkedIn fields will automatically populate in the Lead form. From there you can push it into your CRM by clicking ... -
Metrics for Sugar
FEATUREDMetrics enables users to view and generate reports based on additional data obtained from user and client activity, without any additional effort. This process is entirely automatic. Get additional in... -
Enforce Field Formats for Sugar
FEATUREDField Mask will be your greatest ally in formatting your SugarCRM data. This module improves the reliability of your data and saves time for your whole team by allowing you to use input templates to y... - Show more addons