by Upsert, LLC
Extend SugarBPM with custom actions and improve the admin experience with enhanced SugarBPM module views and dashlets.
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The user guide for Upsert BPM Essentials is available by request directly from Upsert.
Empower your support and sales teams with clear visibility to the right data, right when they need it. With the Zendesk and Sugar integration, your teams will be able to stay up-to-date on all rele...
Your ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more!
Harness the capabilities of Google Places search and autofill within your Sugar platform. Easily locate addresses using either postcodes or street names, and streamline the entry process by receivi...
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