by Izertis

Advanced Marketing Lists automatically fill Target Lists and keep updated the Campaigns to which they are associated.

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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User Guide

Advanced Marketing Lists 1.1.5 User Guide.pdf Advanced Marketing Lists 1.1.5 Guia Usuario.pdf


This component only works from Sugar 6.5.6 onwards. Starting from version 1.1.2, the component is compatible with SugarCRM PRO. From version 1.1.3 is compatible with SugarCRM On-Demand. From version 1.1.4 is compatible with SugarCRM 7.2. From version 1.1.6 is compatible with SugarCRM 7.5. From version 1.1.7 is compatible with SugarCRM 7.6. From version 1.1.8 is compatible with SugarCRM 7.7 and 7.8. From version 1.1.9 is compatible with SugarCRM 7.9. Also compatible with SuiteCRM.


v1.1.9 - SugarCRM 7.9 compatibility

v1.1.8 - SugarCRM 7.7 & 7.8 compatibility

v1.1.7 - SugarCRM 7.6 & 6.5.20 compatibility - Contact email changed

v1.1.6 - SugarCRM 7.5 compatibility

v1.1.5 - [Premium version only] Added "Create Advanced Marketing List from Search" process to SugarCRM 7.2 (except for Users module). This feature was not ready when released v1.1.4 with SugarCRM 7.2 compatibility.

v1.1.4 - SugarCRM 7.2 compatibility

v1.1.3 - SugarCRM On-Demand compatibility

v1.1.2 - SugarCRM Pro compatibility

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