by Izertis

Advanced Marketing Lists automatically fill Target Lists and keep updated the Campaigns to which they are associated.

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#2820 - Not compatible with SugarChimp to remove contacts from lists

Closed Bug? created by CRM Ninjas 8 years ago
In testing the combination of SugarChimp Pro, and this plugin, I am experiencing some issues. Here is what I found: 1) My target lists are properly updating and adding new leads/contacts to the list. 2) Whenever the list adds a new contact, that contact gets added to the mail chimp list with the SugarChimp integration. 3) Whenver the list removes a contact, it does not get updated in the Mail Chimp list. When escalating to the SugarChimp team, it appears that there are code modifications that need to be made in your module. Refer to documentation at: The cause is due to not using the beans/logic hooks to add the people to the lists. Direct database inserts bypasses Sugar's internal workflows. The guide above addresses how to handle this in those cases. Advanced Marketing is likely doing this. Are there any plans on fixing this?
  1. dharma member avatar

    Izertis Provider

    7 years ago

  2. CRMNinjas member avatar

    CRM Ninjas

    7 years ago

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