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#1377 - PHP error crashed out instance

Closed Bug? created by BloomSquared 9 years ago

We were unable to log on to Sugar this morning. I opened a ticket with them and they said it was this plug in. Here is a copy of Sugar's notes

"Christian Weaver has created a new Note:

Case Number: 215815 Case Name: Unable to log on Subject: Followup Note: David,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today concerning this issue. Based on our findings my initial assessment was incorrect and were did not move your instance from one cluster to another. We looked into the logs further and saw this error:

[2015-05-28T20:10:15+00:00] [error] [host] [client] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'cache/Google_Cache.php' (include_path='/mnt/sugar/shadowed/') in /mnt/sugar/shadowed/ on line 57, referer:

For whatever reason, this file was missing and Sugar was throwing a 500 error in the browser and the aforementioned error above was in the PHP error log. To get your instance back up and running we moved the Google integration on the filesystem to ./custom/include/disabled so that Sugar would ignore it. I am not sure if this integration was installed and partially removed, installed incorrectly, malfunctioning for another reason etc. I recommend reaching out to the developer of the integration to see if they have any feedback on why it brought your instance down. If they cannot offer any information concerning this issue then we would kindly ask that you do not run it in your instance since this issue could occur in the future.

Please let me know if you have any followup questions concerning our findings or steps to bring the instance back online.


Christian Weaver Technical Support Engineer

You may review this Note by logging into the Support Portal

Replies to this Note must be entered through the Support Portal

Note: If this issue is resolved and does not require any additional follow-up from the assigned engineer, please use this One Click Resolution link."

  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

    Hi BloomSquared,

    We apologize for the inconvenience. Can you kindly provide us your credentials for the instance that you are using and also your SugarCRM and DB backup so that we can deeply look into the issue. You can email us the detail at

    Regards, Rolustech Support

    • BloomSquared member avatar


      9 years ago

      Hussain has the credentials as you are working on a project for us right now.

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