#1787 - Sugar says they will not be able to support the package on their new servers
Please see message below from Sugar. They will not be able to support the package on their new servers. Can you assist with fixing it?
Michael Carrino has created a new Note:
Case Number: 231488
Case Name: Internal Error - can't login
Subject: Suspected Issues With Package "RT GSync"
Note: Hello Wayne,
We suspect that the "RT GSync" package that is installed on your instance is not properly placing necessary files within your instance's file system. That being the case, we suggest you contact the vendor of this package and let them know their product is not following SugarCRM package best practices. We will be attempting to move your instance to the improved server again before too long and other customers of this product, too, will be moved so it would make sense for the vendor/developer to make the necessary corrections to comply with the issue. Please let the vendor know that the specific file in question is the Google_Cache.php file. Let me know if you have any other questions concerning this and if not, I'll go ahead and close this case for you. I look forward to your reply either way.
Michael Carrino
Technical Support Engineer
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9 years ago