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#2427 - How do I assign one contact within suitecrm to several suitecrm users which all have their own gmail accounts

Closed General Question created by Rafael 8 years ago
Hello, I hope You understand the question. The installation and connection with a suitecrm useraccount and an accourding gmail account has been successfully etablished twice. now I wonder how i can assign the same contact (customer) i hold in the suitecrm database to two or more suitecrm users for the sync. I can only assign one contact to one user. even the user can see the contact when logged in, as long as its not contributed to him its not synced. and when i assign it to the second user, its deleted from gmail from the first user. any hints? does it work with group settings? chances are good I do the 10 Euro / month deal to keep RT GSync when we get this done because it seems to work and to fit. thanks
  1. info71 member avatar


    8 years ago

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