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#2659 - Contacts not syncing

Closed Bug? created by petrlouzecky 8 years ago


contact sync to google stopped working, this error is in the log:

Wed Nov 2 10:15:12 2016 [18700][1][FATAL] Contact: Mr. Alvaro Ramirez Pinto with id 23ee6daf-5420-195c-3268-5818bf84262a saved in Google. Wed Nov 2 10:15:14 2016 [18700][1][FATAL] response: Wed Nov 2 10:15:14 2016 [18700][1][FATAL] <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Error 403 (Forbidden)!!1</title> <body><a href="//" id="g"><img src="//" alt="Google" width="150" height="55"></a> <p><b>403.</b> <ins>That&#39;s an error.</ins></p> <p>Your client does not have permission to get URL <code>/m8/feeds/contacts/sugarfactorycz/full</code> from this server. <ins>That&#39;s all we know.</ins></p></body></html>

It was working until some time ago. The google account has 2 factor authentification turned on. Gsync is connecting via an app specific password. When using the "test connection" button in my profile, it claims that the test was successfull.

We have reinstalled to the latest version to gsync and it did not help.

Please advise.

Regards, Pavel

  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Hi Pavel,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    it looks like google is denying the access to application so try doing the authentication process again. Also, make sure that pop ups are allowed on your browser.

    If the issue is still there please share your sugar and Gmail login details at so that we can look into the issue.

    Kind Regards, Rolustech Support Email: Website:

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