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#683 - Contact syncing duplicates

Closed Bug? created by mark1 10 years ago


This is the scenario. I have contacts existing on my Google Contacts and some of it are already in my SugarCRM contacts. My problem is when GoogleSync run it didn't update the existing contact with the same email instead it generates a new contact. Is there way we can check the email if exist update and if not create a new contact?

Please thank you!

  • Mark
  1. jason member avatar

    jason Verified Purchase

    10 years ago

    Hello Mark,

    Just stepping in since I happened to have just looked at the code snippet that applies to this duplication logic yesterday. It currently checks for existing contacts in this order: gcontact_id, email1, email2, phone_mobile.

    As soon as one is found then it stops and updates the contact using that match. So if it keeps creating a new contact then it must be getting by all of those checks. Is the email address in a custom email field instead of the standard emails? Also make sure that the email is marked as primary in Sugar.

    I'm going to leave it to Rolustech as they are the experts here, but just though I'd share what I found as it may shed some light on it.


  2. mark1 member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hi Jason,

    I also looked at your code in ContactHelper.php under the sendUpdatedToGoogle function. It doesn't seem to have duplicate checking for email1, email2 and phone_mobile.

    It just check if gcontact_id is empty create a new contact in google if not update.

    Please and thank you for your help.

    • Mark
  3. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    10 years ago

    Hi Mark,

    As Jason mentioned earlier we are checking for existing contacts in this order: gcontact_id, email1, email2, phone_mobile. So if you are using standard email address field then Contacts should not duplicate. Let us test this functionality once more and will get back to you with the resolution.

    Thanks! Rolustech Support

  4. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    10 years ago


    I hope you issue is resolved so I am closing this case. Looking forward to have a long term relationship with you.

    Thanks, Rolustech Support

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