by Rolustech
Boost your SugarCRM with seamless Google integration. Sync contacts, meetings, and Drive files. Streamline workflows and elevate productivity.
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10 years ago
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The simplest way to workâ˘. Glances integrates SugarCRM with all your favorite workplace apps, acting as your go-to hub for real-time customer insights and personal tasks. Created by Fana...
Deliver white-glove digital UI experiences to your customers and partners with Mobileforce's Connected Portal and mobile app builder. Mobileforce CX Portal is tightly integrated with SugarCRM.<...
Securely process credit card payments right from within SugarCRM while being in complete compliance of all credit card laws. Reduce errors and manpower required to process transactions with the Aut...
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10 years ago
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10 years ago