#3705 - Fehler Directions not found, This may be due to Missing/Invalid Address or multiple results are found for the given address(s).\nPlease try entering more precise addresses
Fehler Directions not found, This may be due to Missing/Invalid Address or multiple results are found for the given address(s).\nPlease try entering more precise addresses
![Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-24 um 17.51.22.png](https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/assets/img/support/google-salesmap/a376600080bdc13696c1261b99cbfe03/Bildschirmfoto%202018-05-24%20um%2017.51.22.png "Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-24 um 17.51.22.png")
6 years ago
Hi Daniel,
The reasons for this error message are: 1. The address provided is invalid, 2. There are more than one location points for the address provided.
Hence, the google maps API is unable to find the exact location on the map and the error occurs.
Please elaborate the scenario that the error occurred.
Regards, Rolustech Support support@rolustech.com