#1056 - Custom Field withi Case not displaying when case assigned to a specific Security Group
I have a custom field with Cases called Accounts Receivable and it should only be visible and editable by users assigned to the Accounts Receivable security group. For some reason the filed no longer displays so we can enter notes to our A/R dept for the creation of invoices. Any thoughts on what it might be? SuguserCRM v. 6.5.20 (Build 1001) SecuritySuite v 6.5.20
9 years ago
Also noticed that I have the old version and new version listed in the Module Loader
9 years ago
I uninstalled both without removing the tables and then reinstalled the 2.8.1 6.5.20 again that was released in December 2014 and the same issue appears to present.
9 years ago
Make sure to run a Repair Roles with this new release and check that Create rights are set for all of your roles. It's a new access level that separates it from Edit rights. This should affect this, but just wanted to make sure.
For your issue, go to Studio, open Cases, and check out the layouts for the Accounts Receivable group. Make sure that the field exists on their layouts.
Also check to see if the problem user is a member of multiple groups. If so, mark the relationship of that user to the group for the Accounts Receivable group as the "Primary Group" in the subpanel of that group so that this custom layout will always be the one shown. If a user is a member of multiple groups it will just show the first group it comes across for the layout. The Primary Group overrides that.
9 years ago
It looks like making the primary group "Accounts Receivable" is what did the trick. Appears to be working now. Thanks!! One other question...how do I remove a Hookup I created for a custom module that I no longer use? Or should I create another support ticket for that question to keep them separate?
9 years ago
Great! For the Hookup, removing a relationship is a bit of work in SugarCRM. Here is the best guide that I know of: