by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SugarCRM or SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#4841 PHP 8 support - I see php8 is supported since v3.2, but I just ran into an issue with php8.2 and Suite 7.14 and the ebogaard Open Bug?
#4835 Version availability lags (again) - SuiteCRM 7.14.3 has been released two months ago. When do you expect to release a new version of Sec ebogaard Closed Bug?
#4819 Version availability lags - It seems the release of SecuritySuite for new versions of SuiteCRM start lagging more and more. Whe ebogaard Closed General Question
#4769 Use for suitecrm version 8.3.0 - We are using this addon with suitecrm ver 7.8; can we use it for version 8.3; pls guide us how to do tuanan Open Installation
#4720 I don’t see Security Suite Subpanel in SOME modules - ¡Hi everyone! I have a strage problem with Security Suite. I entered in Contacts module Open Bug?
#4669 Unable to validate the license key - Hello, We are receiving below error Failed: SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the l Faten Salhieh In Progress Bug?
#4665 Hide users - Hi, I've been using your add-on for over year now, its great!! - One thing I haven't been Inline Communications and Marketing Strategies Ltd Open General Question
#4627 Updates - Hi, Just wondering how long it usually takes for the latest release to come out. We're lookin jgribben Closed General Question
#4626 Can not assign Group - Kindly help me to check, I can not add any Group to record Below is error log [Thu Mar 03 15:37: tuanan Open Bug?
#4604 Unexpected data returned from the server - We cant validate the license and it gives this msg "Unexpected data returned from the server.&q Faten Salhieh Closed Bug?
#4603 Pb Licence Validation, Access Crm blocked - HEllo I contact you because this morning my sugar crm doesn't validate my licence security suit vroger Closed General Question
#4602 Support for SuiteCRM v8! - Hello, Do you have any plans for supporting SuiteCRM v8? Best Regards, Slaven. it12 In Progress General Question
#4581 Payment - Our companies payment details are already updated in your portal, but we are unable to make the paym rakesh1 Open General Question
#4572 List View - No Wrap Text - Hi, In list view, the security group name is wrapped as attached pics, I want the group name shoul tuanan Open General Question
#4539 Uncaught ReferenceError: YUI is not defined - Hi, After upgrading to Suitecrm 7.11.19 from 7.11.6 and upgrading SecuritySuite to 3.1.25 the jav risq Closed Bug?
#4527 Inheritance from parent record not work on code - Hello, I am a Security Suite user at SuiteCRM 7.11.15, I have observed that the inheritance of the juanchamizo In Progress Bug?
#4488 SS 3.1.25 Installation on Suite 7.11.18! - Hello, I have tried to install 3.1.25 version of SS on SuiteCRM 7.11.18 and I thought uninstall a it12 Closed Installation
#4472 Problem after install, all except sys admin´s unable to create records - Hi, I´ve setup my Roles as follows: - Group Admins - Able to do anything within their g Inline Communications and Marketing Strategies Ltd In Progress General Question
#4448 Dashlet search damaged after Upgrade to 3.1.21 - Hello together, after the upgrade from 3.1.18 to 3.1.21 the dashlet search doens't search for sgi Closed Bug?
#4424 Dashlet - Relationship additional assigned users - Query failed, id is ambiguous - Hi there, We are using SuiteCRM 7.11.10 and the latest SecuritySuite install (3.1.21). Since w Referro B2B Marketing In Progress Bug?
#4419 Deny precede Allow rule! - Hello, I was trying to create a two security groups and limit the access to the certain module fo it12 In Progress General Question
#4384 Multi group user pop up select not displaying for custom modules - I'm using the Security Group settings of USE POP UP SELECT and Inherit from Parent Record. It w cholly Open General Question
#4376 Advanced search-Assigned to field issue! - Hi Guys, After upgrading from Security Suite 3.1.118 to latest version 3.1.19 I have found some p it12 Closed Bug?
#4365 Leads - List view filter - Assigned User - Multi Select - Hi Support, We have found a bug in your version 3.1.19 for 7.10.24, if you attempt to filter the FibreCRM Closed Bug?
#4339 Inbound email account permissions - Hi guys! I'm trying to configure our permissions but I'm not sure what went wrong, This In Progress General Question
#4268 List view blank after upgrading to 7.11.10 - Hi! I upgraded my SuiteCRM instance to 7.11.10 and after that for some custom modules I get blank Mario Arbanas In Progress Bug?
#4229 Reducing size of security groups - Hi Team, We would like to know what records are saved in 'securitygroups_records'. We sviswanath In Progress General Question
#4226 Delete group message - Hi! I cannot delete group message, is it possible? If possible, how is this solved: who can de Mario Arbanas In Progress General Question
#4159 Feature release compatibility questions, need assistance with setting up a trial version - Is this app compatible with Sugar release 9.0? We need assistance with setting up a trial version chandru Closed Installation
#4138 Limit in 'Default Groups for New Records' Group select - Default Groups for New Records Group select use CRM list to create options and this have limit in co RomanE Closed Bug?
#4118 Apply security groups rules in custom php script called by ajax working with beans - Hi, I have de following code <?php define('sugarEntry', TRUE); chdir('../../. adesimone1 Closed General Question
#4106 Update CRM upgrade Patch file - How do i update the portal to upgrade. itsupport1 In Progress Bug?
#4011 Additional assigned users - I need Additional assigned users for owner level permissions, but this plugin only showing the recor jyotiraghavsingh93 Open Bug?
#4009 user group preference - Hello I have a question. If an user belong to more than one security group and each of them has dsanchezcrm5 In Progress General Question
#3982 Providing Access to Pre-Existing Records - Been using SecuritySuite for a couple years now and our company is now splitting into two branches. jeffc Closed General Question
#3968 Problem with strict right and Added privileges - I have selected the options added privileges and strict privileges. Users Security Groups. Assig dsanchezcrm5 In Progress Bug?
#3961 Problem with list view - Hi. I selected the Strict Right option and additional Rights I have two security Groups A and B. dsanchezcrm5 In Progress Bug?
#3959 Roles not properly assigning module limitations! - Dear Sirs, One of the Roles in SuiteCRM is suddenly not assigning values properly and all users i it12 Closed General Question
#3939 Stuck on module upgrade, table already exists - HI Jason, I am trying to upgrade the ss module after updating suitecrm from 7.7 to 7.8.23. I got joseblas1 In Progress Installation
#3914 File Upload Module - Hey, I see that the File upload module is not supported on Sugar Outfitters. While using Fileupload rdprasadravi In Progress Bug?
#3908 Calendar layout issue - additional assigned to field adding on layout is impacting the calendar , they are no more working n jyotiraghavsingh93 Closed Bug?
#3902 Bug in your code is causing Database Failure when trying to create a meeting - It really surprised me to find this bug.... Typically SecuritySuite is on point... Looking in the rhsfit In Progress Bug?
#3890 All new meetings created since I upgraded SecuritySuite are not showing on the calendar - Hi, I upgraded to SecuritySuite V3.1.13 on Friday Sep 21 and all the meetings created since that day webmaster6 In Progress Bug?
#3887 All leads and opportunies are gone or not showing - I just upgraded to version 3.1.12 and the upgrade was successful but none of the lists are showing ( webmaster6 Closed Bug?
#3876 Is there a way to filter leads by their security group, in the listiview? - i installed the free version "6.5.13_SecuritySuite_LIMITED_v2.6.5" and made the code chang rodnikosh Closed General Question
#3829 Custom layout not working for specific security group - Our custom layout not working for specific security group Our Suitecrm version is 7.8.8 Pls help t tuanan In Progress Bug?
#3825 How to remove the blank in list view with security group column - Dear Sir, When we view the security group column in list view, we want to remove the blank are as s tuanan In Progress Bug?
#3824 get NA error on role for custom modules - Dear Sir, In the role, we get the "NA" error as below, pls help to solve it ![Untitled.p tuanan Closed Bug?
#3820 Enable/Disale in &quot;Access&quot; column is inconsistent in free 6.5.13_SecuritySuite_LIMITED_v2.6.5 version - Hello, i'm using an Sugarcrm Comunity vesion 6.5.13 and we are very happy with it we insta rodnikosh Closed Bug?
#3753 Pre-sale : Custom requirement - Hi, How are you? I got one requirement in SuiteCRM as follow: User A created a Account AAA. N PrafullSatasiya In Progress General Question
#3708 Additional Users and Quick Create - Hello! I added 'additionalusers' to Tasks module's quickcreatedefs.php (quick create a2005826 Closed Feature
#3703 security groups not applied on the sub-panels - The user can see all the records in sub-panel in QuickCRM but it working fine in the web , it seems mohamadsh In Progress Bug?
#3701 Install Hange at 17% - SuiteCRM version 7.8.18 install hangs at 17% Paul Bonnallie Closed Bug?
#3684 Additional Users and Security Group fields automatically added to layouts - When editing a module's layout in studio and clicking on save and deploy, the fields for additi josh4 Closed Bug?
#3678 Installation problem - I downloaded the Security Suite and tried to install it on SugarCRM CE 6.5. However I got the follow damien8105 Closed Installation
#3662 Layouts using ROLE instead of security Group - Hi Guys Is there any way you can include in your future version a feature to decide wether you wa FHI360-Access Open Feature
#3648 Multiple version entries in Module Loader - I've been using SecuritySuite for a few months now and upgrades have gone OK. I always make sur rhsfit Open Bug?
#3628 Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite will not work correctly until updated to 6.5.25. Upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.25 - Hello, I just upgraded SuiteCRM version. I started getting this error. Warning! SecuritySuite no naveedahmedkw In Progress General Question
#3626 Not Inheritable Not Working - Hello I'm just starting with suiteCRM. I have 2 questions: 1. What's the main differen sandman31 In Progress General Question
#3583 Errors on statically called functions while importing Accounts - Hi, We are using SecuritySuite 2.7.3 for SugarCRM CE 6.5.20. Since a few days I receive a errors Jezpur In Progress Bug?
#3577 Non admin Roles can't create a new project - Hi, the Security Suite solve the BIG problem we face with our CRM, but with that solution comes one balooc Closed Bug?
#3576 When a security group is deleted, the registry of the modules are not deleted - Good morning, We are using SugarCRM 6.5.11 and Security Suite 2.6.4 We have observed that at th Raul In Progress Bug?
#3570 Creating duplicate causes Error retrieving record error - Hello Jason, I am facing error when I am creating duplicate lead. Whenever I create duplicate lea nilofarmulani In Progress General Question
#3557 Duplicating AOS_Contract removes AOS_Products_Quotes from original contract - Hi, Recently we have detected a bug with 'Duplicate' option in AOS_Contracts module. Th btactic Closed Bug?
#3547 Shared Calendar - Hide Restricted - Hi, I just installed Security Suite 3.1.3 on SuiteCRM 7.9.7. Even the Shared Calendar - Hide Rest victortai In Progress General Question
#3523 Support needed to set up some groups - Hello, We're struggling with setting up our permissions in SecuritySuite. Would it be possib jabbas In Progress General Question
#3503 Rights issue on Documents module plus! - Dear Sirs, I have some strange issue with Documents module. I have created 2 separate users that it12 Closed General Question
#3494 Default suitecrm securitysuite not working correctly after removing securitysuite trial - Dear sir, I installed the securitysuite 30 day trial for our suitecrm instance, then I removed it, tuanan Closed Installation
#3464 List view not show security group - Suitecrm 7..5.3 Security Enhance Trial Pls help me to solve this issue 1/ Ex: accounts module =&g tuanan In Progress Bug?
#3451 Module limit? - Is there a limit to the number of custom modules that will work with SecuritySuite? We're tryin mllaferriere Closed Bug?
#3450 Security Suite Upgrade - I currently have version 2.9.6. The Validation code is [redacted]. I think it is time to renew our joeasteele Closed Installation
#3439 Security Suite Warning after update to 3.1.3-7.8.8 LTS SuiteCRM - Dear Sirs, After upgrade from 2.9.4a to 3.1.3 version of SecuritySuite for SuiteCRM 7.8.8 LTS, th it12 Closed General Question
#3373 Remove a relationship to Security Groups - I have a module where I want to remove the relationship to security groups. I cannot do it via the pjakob In Progress General Question
#3363 I want to create report with funnel chart - I need your help. I want to create report with funnel chart. But in my suitecrm inside report modu deepaksingh Closed General Question
#3346 Group Select not shown when user is in multiple groups but only one group is inheritable - The group select popup is a nice feature, however the select "popup" is NOT shown unless t mminnie Closed Feature
#3311 Dashlet managment not possible anymore after adding &quot;Group Messages&quot; dashlet - CRM: SuiteCRM 7.9.5 SecurityGroups: If I try to add the BoBo Closed Bug?
#3282 Help needed with configuring groups - sir i create 1 user and 2 group. for example A or B for group1 and B or C for group2 .. B user deepaksingh Closed General Question
#3249 Account filter by Security group - HI, we are unable to filter by security group over the account module. have added the field to adva FibreCRM Closed Bug?
#3228 blank fields - all of the sudden my users cannot see any of the fields in the lead module that are assigned to a p jdwhatup Closed Bug?
#3225 Logic Hook How to know if a User is in a specific group - Hi, how can i test in a Logic Hook if a user "U1" is assigned to a Group "G1"? Lion Solution Closed General Question
#3209 Layouts are gone - Dear Jason, we are using the paid version of SecurityGroups - Full Edition, V 2.9.5. After the up HMM Deutschland GmbH Closed Bug?
#3177 Cloned Instance - Security Suites is disabled and throws error messages - I have cloned my SuiteCRM 7.7.9 live system to another test instance. Now Security Suites is disa andreaslotz Closed Installation
#3169 issues in security group and roles - I am using the paid version of securitysuites and I am facing an issue that when I disabled particul securityGroup Closed Bug?
#3143 Problema en Module Loader - My Module Loader not upload the security zip file, the screen are blank eduardo1 Closed General Question
#3133 Compatibility with SuiteCRM version 7.9.0 - Hi, Is this compatible with the latest version of SuiteCRM v7.9.0? I would be grateful if you jonnie00 Closed General Question
#3102 unable to validate license key - We have purchased the Enhanced version and when I try to validate the license key, I get the followi joey3 Closed Installation
#3098 SuiteCRM 7.8.3, 7.9.0rc - overwriting critical SuiteCRM files leads to crashes - In 7.8.3, overwriting the file include/utils.php removed some new functions needed by SuiteCRM. In ralf Closed Bug?
#3073 Module Loader shows second Security Suite module! - Dear Sirs, I have recently upgraded SuiteCRM to version 7.8.2 and noticed that there are 2 module it12 Closed Bug?
#3054 Duplicate in securitygroups_records Tables - Dears we found that securitygroups_records has alot of duplicate records with same** (securitygroup Faten Salhieh Closed Bug?
#3022 Will This Work With Latest SuiteCRM 7.8.2? - I need the ability to restrict access of inbound emails to only users in certain groups. SuiteCRM c jeffc Closed General Question
#2997 Security Suite failing to run initial sql query. - I am getting the following error when trying to run the newer version of 6.5.25 (2.9.6) after upgra stevewgunn Closed Installation
#2988 Custom module SG sub panel is not showing - Hi, We have enabled SG license on our SuiteCRM 7.8 instance. But SG sub panel is not visible ashrafvtk Closed Bug?
#2954 Cannot validate License Key - Dear Support Team, We are using SecuritySuite and Sugar CRM CE version 6.5.18 on our network driv chandan Closed Installation
#2953 Assign user to Security Group on Lead creation - Hi We have SecurityGroups - Limited Feature Edition 2.7.1 and when we create a Lead the SecurityGro info15 Closed General Question
#2919 What's new in updated version (released on 9th February 2017) for SugarCE 6.5.24? And how to install the update? - Hi, Can you please tell me what this new update fixes and where can I get the list of new features/ Jawad Zafar Closed General Question
#2915 Security Groups: Mass Assign - Hello! I'm using SugarCRM 6.5.18. I installed the module "6.5.18_SecuritySuite_Full-Editi pcoyoy8 Closed Bug?
#2914 Security Groups: Mass Assign - Hello! I'm using SugarCRM 6.5.20. I installed the module "6.5.18_SecuritySuite_Full-Editi team Closed Bug?
#2913 Change field Assigned user automatically with some rules - Hi Support, We are trying to create a workflow where "Assigned To" field needs to be ch sviswanath Closed General Question
#2910 Help Our Licence Validation Is Not Working. - Hi There, We have updated our licence, but the validation process is not working. We are getting m AT Closed Installation
#2873 Using SuiteP and Security Groups, the layout is not working. Filters and Choose columns stop working. - I have installed SuitecRM 7.7.9 and Suite 7.8.1; both using the theme "Suite P". However, FHI360-Access Closed Bug?
#2866 SG subpanel in SuiteCRM Reports detail view missing - I've noticed when using the reports moduie in SuiteCRM v7.7.9 that the SG subpanel does not app Stefan Closed Bug?
#2851 Layout for Group = Error Occurred - Hi Guys Having an issue with 7.7.9 SuiteCRM I have 2 groups that want different layouts Main gr taufiqueahmed Closed Bug?
#2841 Automatic add the user's Security Group to a Meeting where the User has been invited - Hi, is it possible to add automatically user's Security Group to a Meeting where the User has Lion Solution Closed General Question
#2833 Issue with SuiteCRM 7.7.8 - Hello We have had an issue with SuiteCRM & Security Groups All non admins keep getting a Quer taufiqueahmed Closed Bug?
#2798 Bug found on &quot;pipeline by sales stage&quot; and &quot;outcome by month&quot; dashlets - Hi Jason, Found a bug by doing some digging on those dashlets. They were not returning any data a Stefan Closed Bug?
#2797 Module Builder crash in 7.7.8 - Hi, since I migrate from suiteCRM 7.5 (sugar version 6.5.23) to 7.7.8 (sugar version 6.5.24) I ca joseblas1 Closed Bug?
#2764 SecuritySuite performance on large tables - We are in the process of moving from SugarCRM CE 6.5 to SuiteCRM 7.6. One of the reasons for upgr dfstrauss Closed General Question
#2756 Group rights-not inherited issue! - Dear Sirs, I have a following scenario, I have 2 users in 2 different groups. Each of groups are it12 Closed Bug?
#2737 Use Creator Group Select - On SuiteCRM v7.7.8, the "Use Creator Group Select" panel appears at the top of the page, w Stefan Closed Bug?
#2736 Calendar issue - On SuiteCRM v7.7.8, the "Shared Calendar - Hide Restricted" does not appear to be working. Stefan Closed Bug?
#2735 Cannot link Users to Security Group - SuiteCRM 7.6.10 - We are in the process of upgrading from SugarCRM CE to SuiteCRM 7.6. The upgrade seems to have wo dfstrauss Closed Bug?
#2715 SuiteCRM 7.6 branch - SecuritySuite support - Security Suite seems to be lagging behind SuiteCRM 7.6 branch and will not install against 7.6.9 or davidfarrell Closed General Question
#2700 How to add teams for existing records and all related records - Teams are inherited from parent record. Its works perfectly when I create new record. For example i vytenis Closed General Question
#2678 Javascript error when validating - Hi Eggsurplus, We are getting a javascript error: "TypeError: s.url is undefined" ashrafvtk Closed Bug?
#2655 SecuritySuite is no longer active - Hey.. 2 issues with SecuritySuite license. - Currently there is an error for SecuritySuite. Secu sviswanath Closed Bug?
#2650 Updated Payment information but still not able to validate - Hi, My trial was ended and I updated the payment information today as I came to know that my trial Jawad Zafar Closed Bug?
#2643 Group permissions not applying for reports on SuiteCRM 7.7.6! - Dear Sirs, Recently I was trying to setup group permissions with Reports for SugaCRM CE by Richlo it12 Closed General Question
#2642 Excel Sheets and date problem! - Dear Sirs, I recently encountered strange behavior when exporting documents to excel sheets and o it12 Closed General Question
#2618 Hookup module - Not finding my custom module - Hi there Suite CRM 7.7.6 I have created a custom module and deployed it I would like this t taufiqueahmed Closed Bug?
#2601 [URGENT] SecuritySuite is no longer active Please renew your subscription or check your license configuration. - I have a license valid but from today I am getting this error: "SecuritySuite is no longer acti tiagozwick Closed Bug?
#2597 license key not working. - Bought the software. The license key not working for me. hoffmandon99 Closed Bug?
#2590 Hookup module doesn't show all the custom modules - Hi, I've installed Security Suite version 7.6.6 on my crm. I've completed the installat nordestinnovazione Closed Bug?
#2588 Meetings &gt; Invitees - Hi, is it possible when you search for Contacts or Users to invite in a Meeting, to see only records Lion Solution Closed General Question
#2584 Manager can't see Meetings or Calls he assigned to a workmate in Shared Calendar while he can see them in list view - Hi, i found that if one manager (User A) assigns an activity (meeting or call) to another user in th Lion Solution Closed Bug?
#2581 Compatibility with PHP 7.0 - In PHP 7.0 there is a change: From [ - Calls from incompatible context removed](http://php mminnie Closed Bug?
#2575 Installed full version - users can't create? - Hi I have just downloaded and installed the full version and users that are not admin can not crea taufiqueahmed Closed Bug?
#2556 In SuiteCRM - Hi, on a SuiteCRM 7.6.3 istance, i noticed that in Detail View of a custom module even logged in as Lion Solution Closed Bug?
#2554 In SuiteCRM Dashlet Search fields appear records without regard to Security Group - Hi, on a SuiteCRM istance 7.6.3 In Dashlet Search "relate to" fields appear records wit Lion Solution Closed Bug?
#2547 Need License Key - I'm on trial and need a license key. purchase history says "Licensed under: AGPLv3 (link t FlashGordon14 Closed Installation
#2537 hidden field from some team - Now i have sugercrm Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) , i install 6.5.24_SecuritySuite_Full-Edition_v2.9.4 heshamfayek Closed General Question
#2526 Group view policy is not being applied to custom modules - I was trying to apply role for group only view for some custom modules and assigned that role to one Jawad Zafar Closed Bug?
#2517 Upgraded version of SuiteCRM 7.2.2 to 7.7.4 - Dear Sirs, After upgrading the version of SuiteCRM to 7.7.4 we are experiencing problem when sta it12 Closed General Question
#2476 What is a primary group for? - Hi all, I'm curious about primary groups. What is the use for them and why is it necessary t madmat Closed General Question
#2463 Run-time switching between group views of custom modules - Hi, I have a user with multiple groups and for each group, I have different views setup for my cust Jawad Zafar In Progress General Question
#2454 Where to get Full Version for SugarCRM CE 6.5.24? - Hi, I recently purchased (started trial) for SecuritySuite hoping to get complete functionality for Jawad Zafar Closed General Question
#2433 Error: Key does not exist. - Dear all, we are using SuigarCE 6.5.17. and have the SecuritySuite Module installed for quite so richardjenkings Closed Bug?
#2428 Is this plugin preinstalled in SuiteCRM - So there are security groups in SuiteCrm , but i can't see anyway of making different layouts f liumbiwe Closed General Question
#2412 Upgrading to full version - Hi I tried to upgrade SecuritySuite to full version on SuiteCRM 7.6.6. After purchase I downloade dmitrychichkalenko Closed Bug?
#2396 LogicHook after assign - Hello jason, I have a new question for you (and this time i not manage yet to found a "hacky&q steel971 Closed General Question
#2387 How to upgrade SecuritySuite - SugarCRM CE Teams to current version - Hi All, I already have a purchased version i.e 2.X. I want to upgrade that. How i can upgrade i Knowlarity Communications India Limited Closed General Question
#2385 Block Dashboard by Security Group Management - Hi all, Quick question. I am using authentication via LDAP allowing new users to be automatically tiagozwick In Progress General Question
#2364 Security suite fails to validate all of a sudden - See this error when logging into sugarcrm. This is a serious issue for us. Error: SugarOutfitter cmcneil Closed Bug?
#2362 User of a group doesn't see tasks associated with that group - Hi, i've a User linked with a role in which all the permissions on tasks module are set to a nordestinnovazione Closed Bug?
#2340 User list is not displaying in security group after adding group as well as select button also after selecting first user.. - Hello, users and roles subpanel is not displaying in security group while in users details vie dpkagarwal59 Closed Bug?
#2334 Only create Opportunity on Account assiged to user - Is it possible to prevent a user from creating an opportunity with an Account assigned to another us jreutter Open General Question
#2328 all security groups assigning to records by default - I have 2 security groups setup when a new lead comes into my system, it is being assigned both se jdwhatup Closed Bug?
#2323 Support SuiteCRM 7.7 beta versions - We will finally be upgrading our instance of SuiteCRM from 7.2 to 7.7 when it's officially rele Stefan Closed General Question
#2321 License Migration - Hi there My tests are concluded and I would need to install the plugin in production now. Can I j tiagozwick Closed General Question
#2313 Use Creator Group Select default selections - Is it possible to have the "Use Creator Group Select" have the parent's record securi Stefan Closed Feature
#2305 Unable to validate the license key although &quot;manual&quot; validation works - Hi there, I am getting the error "_SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the licen tiagozwick Closed Installation
#2303 Have Primary Group work for default layouts - If a user is in a group that has no custom layouts and is the primary group while also in a differen eggsurplus Closed Feature
#2299 Cannot Validate Trial License - I have downloaded and installed the SecuritySuite. When I enter the key, I get a window pop-up stat vanessahoffman Closed Installation
#2277 Error afters installing - Hi, i have this version of suite crm $suitecrm_version = '7.6.4'; So i installed, Su Sivemax Closed Installation
#2269 SS and Reports in SuiteCRM - Are there any plans to integrate SS with the reports in SuiteCRM? Meaning the user would only see th Stefan Closed Feature
#2258 SuiteCRM - Choose PDF Template PopUp doesn't respect SecurityGroups - Hi, on a SuiteCRM 7.6.3 when i try to "print as PDF" a Quote, an Invoice and so on, you ar Lion Solution In Progress Bug?
#2256 Views based on Group Membership not working - Hi there, we just came across something that looks like a small bug. 1) Studio -> Modules -&g madmat In Progress Bug?
#2244 Question on module permissions - Currently working within the Calls module. Would like to set up a permission structure where the ow jreutter In Progress General Question
#2225 Worked well - Client does not need all of the features. Paul Bonnallie Closed Feature
#2189 Permissions problem - We upgraded from 6.5.12 (yes an old one) to 6.5.23 and now the users can get to meeting details but crmadmin Closed Bug?
#2188 Cannot create Dropdown with SecuritySuite enabled - We are using SuiteCRM Version 7.5.3, Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061). Currently cannot save a cre jreutter Closed Bug?
#2185 Error when Saving New Group - When I click to Create a new group the form loads, however when I save I get "Fatal error: Call websolprov Closed Bug?
#2175 SS Pro@SuiteCRM 7.5.3 Custom Modules not integrated - Hi Jason, using SS Pro on a SuiteCRM 7.5.3 instance for testing purposes we are unable to hook up madmat Closed Bug?
#2156 Security Suite Version for Suite 7.3.1 - Hi, I would to download the trial version for SuiteCRM 7.3.1, which one I have to choose from the ericapaulini Closed Installation
#2155 Security Suite Version for Suite 7.3.1 - Hi, I would to download the trial version for SuiteCRM 7.3.1, which one I have to choose from the ericapaulini Closed Installation
#2151 When assigning a security group to an account, is there a way to automatically inherit this group to all assigned contacts, documents etc.? - I just installed the SecuritySuite 2.9.3 to my SugarCRM CE 6.5.23 in German. Then I mass-assigned kmaier Closed General Question
#2135 Security Suite listview subpanel does not show for custom modules - i installed security group (2.6.5) on my sugarcrm CE 6.5.13. i can see the "mass assign" rodnikosh Closed Installation
#2133 Cant see creat option in Roles - After install the securitySuit i cant see option "Create" in a Role screen in administrato Delanno Closed Bug?
#2131 Undefinded message - Hi, Since installing the SecuritySuite, I appear in messages to load the word "undefined&quo Sivemax Closed General Question
#2123 Security Not Applied - I've been asked (as a last resort) to look at a SugarCRM installation for a friend who is on a m1dst Closed Installation
#2122 SuiteCRM / Custom Layout - Hi Jason, We would like to create custom layouts based on role. Do I have to upgrade SecuritySui RC Closed General Question
#2105 API Help - From a programming perspective, if I have a bean, and I want a list of related beans that honors Sec tim Closed General Question
#2101 SecuritySuite - We recently updated to SuiteCRM 7.5.3 and installed SS 2.9.2 and are having an issue with Dashlets o jreutter Closed Bug?
#2095 Employees-forbid users to see other users! - Hello, I have been trying to block access for any user only to see their own group and I have bee it12 Closed General Question
#2091 quickCRM with security group - while using quickCRM ,There is problem with records ,if the module was accessed from sub panel the Faten Salhieh In Progress Bug?
#2075 Disabling Gropup Messages creation for certain roles - If I can't disable it for certain users, groups or roles, I need to disable it completely, is t JannelysA In Progress General Question
#2067 Licensing - Hi Outfitter-Team, it is possible to install the same (one) licence on the production system and Michael Closed General Question
#2061 Mass Update not appearing and also the newly created records are not inheriting the created by or assigned user group by default - Hi, I have a typical set up where I have a user who only has one group attached to him i.e. So arun_chauhan Closed Bug?
#2056 - Users can no longer 'create' anything. Calls, Invoices, Accounts etc - I just installed the SuiteCRM Security Suite Full Edition - Trail - so I can adjust Layout for parti so_removed_1 Closed Bug?
#2042 Security Groups functionality not working with custom modules - Hi, I am having issues with getting Security Groups working with Custom Modules. These are th digital Closed Bug?
#2037 Curious about separate suitecrm package - Any reason in particular why you're now creating a separate install package for suitecrm? Thank Stefan Closed General Question
#2029 Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite will not work correctly until updated to 6.5.23. Upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.23 - I have updated SuiteCRM to the latest version and I've got this message from SecuritySuite not joseblas1 Closed Bug?
#1994 Blocked access to home page &gt; &quot;You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.&quot; - Hi, I am having problems after updating to SuiteCRM 7.5.2. Now I can't access the home page, joseblas1 Closed Bug?
#1986 Studio module - Hi, anyone know how to access design modules and assign each group different templates of input? iedux Closed General Question
#1984 I'm Having issues with my calendar view - I'm Having issues with my calendar view it's not showing my calendar. It no longer shows m hectorchim Closed General Question
#1966 Advanced search created by system admin visible to all users - Hi, I'm working on suite 7.4.3 and installed security suite recently. I created couple Advan vvanga Closed General Question
#1965 how to download the file after ordering the component ? - Hi, I order the component (Order #: 6971) but I don't see how to download the files/ Tha frichter Closed General Question
#1937 Invalid key - Hi, I'm using suiteCRM version 7.5 and tried to installed SecuritySuite version 6.5.22 Full risq Closed Installation
#1933 Understanding on Lead Convert and Security Groups Functoning - Hi Team, Below is the scenario encountered. Would need a clarification and understa NAVA-IT In Progress Bug?
#1925 Lead Convert Issue - Part II - Below is the scenario that I encountered. Please clarify. User Drake belongs to Security Group A In Progress Bug?
#1922 Lead Convert Issue - We are using the Security Suite module and currently facing this problem We have Strict rights, U Closed Bug?
#1907 Opportunities Syncing Issue. - HI, I am working on GrinMark Integration with SugarCRM 6.0.0. Everything works great . I m Guna Closed General Question
#1904 Module Loader does not display uploaded ZIP - I am trying to upload 6.5.16_SecuritySuite_Full-Edition_v2.7.3. My version of Sugar is Version 6.5.1 michaelhowell Closed Bug?
#1902 Search - Hi there, I can't get the search by security group to work. I have added the 'Security timothy.frewin In Progress Bug?
#1874 Custom Modules - Would you kindly confirm if SecuritySuite works with custom modules. Also, if it does, would you ki rode Closed General Question
#1861 Doubt with data sharing within a group - Hi all, not new to SugarCRM, more or less new to SuiteCRM, absolutely new to SecuritySuite. I read e matute In Progress General Question
#1860 Security Group : Mass Assign Option does not show up - Hi, Thanks for your support. The earlier bug has been resolved. Now there is a new issue. When w emmanuelfranklin Closed Bug?
#1839 Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite will not work correctly until updated to 6.5.22. Upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.22 - Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite wi emmanuelfranklin Closed Bug?
#1838 Lost accounts - After enabling [Security Group] in Account ListView using the Studio Developer Tool, upon clicking vincentloh Closed Bug?
#1796 Customers viewing - How can I make sure that users in group A don't see customers in group B? stpierred Closed General Question
#1789 Different layouts - As a user, how can I see multiple layouts that I created for different groups? stpierred Closed General Question
#1788 Assigning multiple groups - Hello! I want to assign a user to multiple groups, but each group has a different view. I need t camsea Closed General Question
#1783 You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access. - Hi, We are dealing with an organizational structure consisting of: HeadOffice, Area, Branches an Ricky Closed Bug?
#1779 installed package and sugar got the white screen - hello, I'm using Sugar Suite 7.3.1 version (6.5.20), the 6.5.20_SecuritySuite_Full-Edition_v2.9 solucoesemcrm Closed Bug?
#1774 compatible with Implicit or Grinmark, Brainsell? - Hi, we may use outlook plug in such as Implicit or Breainsell, does your team module compatible with aco Closed Feature
#1771 Change case Name field based on Role - Hello. Is it possible to change which field displays as the Case "name" depending on th camsea Closed Feature
#1751 Security group access not functioning - Hi, I have an issue and I am trying to work out what the problem could be. I followed the link for a chris11 Closed General Question
#1746 Assign group based on dropdown - Hello, I have several different groups that have different views. I do not want to display the S camsea Closed General Question
#1741 Notice: Undefined index: LBL_CONFIG_SECURITYGROUPS_TITLE in /home/devsugar/public_html/modules/SecurityGroups/Menu.php on line 16 - I've got this message when I was activating the Open Discovery functionality. Also I still g joseblas1 Closed Bug?
#1736 New key not working - Hello, We recently renewed our subscription and we are trying to use the key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ericouisse Closed Bug?
#1735 Security Group can not be removed from the record by non-admin user - Hello Jason, There is a bug in SugarCRM 6.5.x which affects SecuritySuite as well. Currently, my in igorvitorac Open Feature
#1720 after_relationship_delete event between user and security group is not working - Hi, I am facing problem using after_relationship_delete event between user and security group. so_removed_7 Closed Bug?
#1704 Auto assign contacts to group accounts - I can't find how to assign contacts to accounts that are assigned to a group. So the account is Referro B2B Marketing Closed General Question
#1687 Security Suite Performance Issue - Hello, we have severe Performance Issues with the Security Suite and the following group structur jobvector GmbH Closed General Question
#1677 Uninstalling SecuritySuite in SuiteCRM removes the base security module and breaks everything. - Hello. I uninstalled the full version of Security Suite and it completely removed the default securi tfmulti Closed Bug?
#1673 SecuritySuite Limitation in Report Module in displaing fields - Hello, I've installed SugarSuite and I have customize the detail/edit view of module Account ericapaulini Closed Feature
#1672 How to create custom layouts - I am not able to (or cant figure out how to) create custom layouts post installation of SecuritySuit frankietrifilio Closed General Question
#1669 Security suite not working properly. - roles not working as group access.... pawarbhardwaj Closed Bug?
#1661 How to remove Full Edition od SS and activate bundled SS version in SuiteCRM - Hi, I use customized SuiteCRM v7.2.0. As you know: this fork came with SecuritySuite. I tried Sec bilgiislem Closed General Question
#1660 How to load M2M (many to many) relationship table columns data from beans - Hi currently I retreiving user bean and then loading security group relationship I want to use so_removed_7 Closed General Question
#1656 Add a new user to security group via Logic Hook - I am trying to automatically add new users to a security group via a logic hook every time a new use EliasJ Closed General Question
#1654 New opportunity to inherit the security group of the assigned user - Dear Support, I would like for new opportunities, and probably all objects, to inherit the securi admin11 Closed General Question
#1653 I'm already using user-assigned roles. How do roles associated to the security group work with user assigned roles? - I'm already using user-assigned roles. How do roles associated to the security group work with admin11 Closed General Question
#1643 Problems on installation - I can't see the dashlets after installing Security Suite Full Version, I had the free version i joseblas1 Closed Bug?
#1642 Message: Object doesn't support this property or method - Message: Object doesn't support this property or method Line: 2 Char: 29745 Code: 0 URI: ht utnho Closed Bug?
#1623 Security Group Not inherited from Parent record on QuickCRM environment - Hi, i'm using a SuiteCRM Version 7.1.1 (Sugar Version 6.5.16) istance, i noticed that with Lion Solution Closed Bug?
#1618 Trial ended. - Hi, we updated payment information in the web page. You do not charge credit card. Trial period Ramunas Mikalauskas Closed Installation
#1614 Error on install - SuiteCRM 7.2.2 - Hello, SuiteCRM Version 7.2.2 Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001) Trying to install SecurityS dp168 Closed Installation
#1608 Users with group access unable to view records when re-assigned to team members in the same group - Hi eggsurplus, I have followed the link rk45 Closed General Question
#1588 Features not working as advertised - I have created various roles and have added users to them but the desired functionality is not taki elijones2009 Closed Feature
#1579 Users under the same role and group can't view each others records - Hi, I've got 2 users (A and B), assigned to the role "MDP", the role is assigned t tamer.morsy Closed Bug?
#1578 How to implement security group hierarchy - Hello, I have a question : How to implement security group hierarchy? My requirement is as follow so_removed_7 In Progress General Question
#1574 Field level access control - HI Jason, I have a potential sale but I see that in some places that field level control will be ne david.scott.stokes In Progress Feature
#1573 how to set 2 departments in one user - hey, i need to create 2 departments. 1- affiliates. 2- retention/support. how it will work FairTRADEX Closed General Question
#1570 How to limit the list of users to only those in the security group? - How can we limit the list of users to those in the security group? For example when a user assign AT Closed General Question
#1567 Global Search in QuickCRM - We are using QuickCRM with Security Suite to manage permissions. The permissions are working correct AT In Progress Bug?
#1547 License Key validation not working - Hi we downloaded for SuiteCRM 7.2 version. Uploaded in module loader a maa.jeevapushpa Closed Installation
#1529 SuiteCRM 7.3 - Just I install it and does not allow me to create new accounts for regular users. In the role assign Paula Rojas Closed Bug?
#1515 Last relase is not compatibilie with SuiteCRM 7.3 - Last relase is not compatibilie with SuiteCRM 7.3 Regards Mikolaj mikolajadam Closed Bug?
#1509 Failed to tighten next dashlet - In my home I have several dashlets suitecrm . One such dashlet is projectask but when I pressed the agustin.silio Closed Bug?
#1498 Mass assign Security Group of leads not operating - Hello, I have created security groups and am wanting to mass assign leads to these. When I go to t amakar Closed Bug?
#1486 Reporting by Security Group - Hello, Just started using Suite and love it. I have set up the security groups, however now I amakar Closed General Question
#1470 One off purchase price - Hi jason, Is this module available on a one off purchase price for one organisation? Please let rahuljain_18 Closed General Question
#1453 SugarFeed - Manager not seeing team activities - Hi, I have used this plugin for our Sugar CRM system version 6.5.20. Here i have tried creating t Gargi Closed General Question
#1442 Limit Assigned user choice - Hi, is it possible to limit users one can assign a record to? I'd like that this feature Lion Solution Closed Feature
#1425 Where do I put the license key on SuiteCRM full install? - We have a fresh install of SuiteCRM. How do I input the license key? Thx jpaul Closed Installation
#1420 Security group join - We're having some really slow load times in SugarCRM when first logging in and when navigating nathan1 Closed General Question
#1413 department creation - hey. i've created one department, and i need to create 2 departmets for 1 user.. how to do i FairTRADEX Closed Feature
#1391 to make a User with a specific Role to assign records only to himself - Hi, Is it possible to make a User with a specific Role to assign records only to himself? Thanks Lion Solution Closed General Question
#1376 Logic Hooks on Rest WebService - Hi, I am creating Cases in SugarCRM 6.5 via REST api (WebService). I want to execute a LogicHook drosenfeld Closed General Question
#1369 Pipeline filtering - Hi, I just installed and configured a similar scenario to the one that you describe in the documenta lucianbalaban Closed General Question
#1332 Show only team related values in dropdown menus - Hi We have 3 teams, all of them must use a dropdown menu called product, but the values for each telintel Closed General Question
#1331 Report Error - I install security groups and report module already. I think they are conflicted. In log file i see chandan Closed General Question
#1322 Email to cases not distributing - Hello, I am trying to set up email to case for 3 different emails addresses, and each one should diretor1 Closed Installation
#1316 Multilevel Hierarchy? - I am trying to setup a multilevel hierarchy per your instructions in case #467. However I'm not gregheinz Closed Bug?
#1310 Is it compatible with SuiteCRM Max 7.1.4 - Hi, Can you please confirm us that is it compatible with SuiteCRM Max 7.1.4? Thank you Info@Rolustech Closed General Question
#1301 SecuritySuite - Hello I have installed this plug in but the license key stays in validating status and nothing ha ymellas Closed Bug?
#1289 List of users when searching - Hi When I want to perform a search by user in all the sugar modules, I can see all the users cre telintel Closed General Question
#1288 Charts by teams - Hi I want to ask if there's any configuration to see only the information related to his/her telintel Closed Bug?
#1269 Please cancel my 30 day trial - I have not found it to be useful and when I uninstalled it removed key tables. JonathonM Closed Installation
#1227 Login as any user - This is actually three questions. I am using the trial version of Security Suite version 6.5.18 inst crmlicenses Closed General Question
#1225 Common Calendar - Hi Jason, do you think it is possible in Shared Calendar to let all users see a common Calendar? I Lion Solution Closed Feature
#1220 Module denies non admin users access to create records - This is a high priority production issue. For some reason a custom module will allow me as administ dgreene Closed Bug?
#1219 license key validation error - Hi, I purchased your product and now when I try and input the license key on our live server (on kieran5405 Closed Bug?
#1218 Issue with layouts - I have multiple layouts for different groups and a default layout. When i update group1 layout it ov dbphoto84 Closed Bug?
#1195 Dashlet Reset On LAN - Hello, The issue I am observing is as follows: 1) I start my computer in the morning, log into mryekhande Closed Bug?
#1185 Security groups not checking roles for users - If i add a role to a group (not users). Security is not applied to users under or associated to that dbphoto84 Closed Bug?
#1175 Trouble with installation Key of Security Suite - Hello When we try to validete the key of security Suite, a window pop saing "Error:Null&quo aulloa Closed Installation
#1172 restrict groups to Inbound email account - Hello, In our company, we have several Inbound email account. We need to restrict groups from be DesislavaTomova Open Bug?
#1167 Security Group Mass Assign - I'm able to see the Security Group mass assign subpanel, but no Groups are showing up in the dr nathan1 Closed Bug?
#1156 Creating an account when detected as duplicate ignores groups - We're running SuiteCRM 7.1.4 on the lamp stack with the paid version of security suite v2.8.1. Stefan In Progress Bug?
#1131 Table securitygroups_records 20M records 11GB!!! - Hi Jason, I have installed SecurityGroups feature limited version 2.7.4 and I have noticed that t joseblas1 Closed Bug?
#1117 Inbound email - Hi Jason, I would like to create a Group Inbound email from the back-end Email Admin Section, but nordestinnovazione Closed Feature
#1115 Security Suite does not work for Quote\Invoice\Contract modules in SuiteCRM 7.1.1 - Hi eggsurplus, I am on SuiteCRM 7.1.1. I do the same setup on Quotes module and Account module, himingby Closed Bug?
#1114 Security Suite - Can't assign tasks - Hello, I followed typical setup. I created "Greenvale Only" role and assigned permission a kf7866 Closed Bug?
#1112 Security Groups not working - Hi, I have Security Suite installed with the intention of using to manage very basic groups. I.e. samuel Closed Bug?
#1109 Security Group as Column in ListView doesnt the value - we added the security group to basic search, that works fine. but we also added the security group sugar_user Closed Bug?
#1107 No Create vs Edit Rights settings in Role - Hi Jason, After installing SecuritySuite and running Repair Roles, the Create column still does n Chan Chan Closed Bug?
#1099 SecuritySuite is no longer active error message - Hi, since this morning we've been getting an error message on our CRMs “SecuritySuite is andreskruse Closed Bug?
#1082 Followed the typical setup example but Sarah and Will cannot view/edit their respective teams' leads - Hi Jason, I followed the example in Chan Chan Closed Bug?
#1061 Mistake Made on my part I think. - Hi We have version 6.5.5 Not 6.5.2 obviously this cannot rollback. Is there anyway of getting this t technical Closed General Question
#1060 Allow users to assign tasks - I want one account to assign tasks or projects or cases or invite for meetings without having to ass kf7866 Closed General Question
#1056 Custom Field withi Case not displaying when case assigned to a specific Security Group - I have a custom field with Cases called Accounts Receivable and it should only be visible and editab cgrant Closed General Question
#1050 SecuritySuite not functioning after installing Metro Theme - I have the same issue. In addition after installing my SecuritySuite which was working fine seems to kf7866 Closed Bug?
#1047 Getting security errors since update - Since we updated Sugar to 6.5.20 and then updated the SecuritySuite to the correct version, we are g crmadmin Closed Bug?
#1049 Failed to copy files during install - Hello, I just bought the security suite and i get the following error during install. Please help F kf7866 Closed General Question
#1041 Edit cases - Hello jason, When i want to create a new case, i must key in all information in all textbox. The pr chandan Closed Feature
#1034 auto-assign of documents - hi jason, if i assign a contact to a security-group, the documents "under" this contact sugar_user Closed General Question
#1030 Best Method to Make a Record Read Only Based Upon a Dropdown Field Value Editable by Role? - I've scoured many forums and founds a few ways to code this, but was wondering if using Securit donkennedy Closed General Question
#1005 External customer access - I am trying to setup the system where I would like our external customers (Accounts, Contacts associ vishal.mehra Closed General Question
#1000 6.5.18 - After uploading 6.5.18 Limited my CRM is comp dead - not response Unfortunallay i've done it o ggbspbru Closed Bug?
#999 SecuritySuite for 6.5.18 - After i've been installed 6.5.x to 6.5.18 i've got the message Warning! SecuritySuite no ggbspbru Closed Bug?
#995 Still Unable to validate SecuritySuite - SugarCRM CE Teams - Hi , My friend have installed SecuritySuite - SugarCRM CE Teams module successfully.He have insta ishwarpatternweb Closed Installation
#987 error:null during key validation - I can't validate the Key, I allwasy get an an error:null message. I have to finish the migra pbiber Closed Installation
#986 License unauth reset - Dear Jason, We encountered an annoying issue: The license reset the code every week, this happen ericouisse Closed Installation
#983 SecuritySuite is no longer active Please renew your subscription or check your license configuration. - Hello, After restart apache as you required, it still with this message. Can you please check pavandaniela Closed Bug?
#979 Licence problem - SecuritySuite is no longer active - Hi, After restart apache we still with this problem, for all users, all the time. SecuritySu pavandaniela Closed Bug?
#973 Unable to check license view - We are currently not sure when we have to renew our subscription and we are using security suite for ericouisse Closed Bug?
#964 Unable to validate SecuritySuite - SugarCRM CE Teams - Hi , My friend have installed SecuritySuite - SugarCRM CE Teams module successfully.He have inst ishwarpatternweb Closed Bug?
#962 SuiteCRM 6.5 - "The uploaded file is not compatible with this version of SuiteCRM: 6.5.17" When i uplo ericouisse Closed Installation
#956 Quick Create view for security group layouts does not show - Quick Create view for security group layouts does not show in studio, hence you cannot create/edit a salesagility Closed Bug?
#952 SecuritySuite is no longer active due to the following reason: Key could not be found locally. Please go to the license configuration tool and enter your key. Group rights have been temporarily dropped to Owner rights. - I have 2 months trial licence key for SecuritySuite - SugarCRM CE Teams, It says this wrning agai ishwarpatternweb Closed Installation
#946 Attachment for Email Template not working - We have a user that we've recently moved from an Administrator to a 'normal' user, an evan Closed Bug?
#941 Security Suite 2.8.1 not allowing to Save a new dropdown list - After we installed and enabled Security Suite 2.8.1, we were no longer able to /create save a dropd jorge Closed Bug?
#929 SecuritySuite is no longer active - We bought SS in 02/2014. Since yesterday we get the message: "SecuritySuite is no longer acti madmat Closed Bug?
#928 Security Groups Management on multiple levels (admin) - Hi Jason, We installed SecuritySuite and configured groups and roles on multiple levels. Everythi BoBo Closed Feature
#914 show security groups on each record - Is it possible to show the security group name at the record level? So if the record is showing up i mike1 Closed General Question
#911 very very urgent , Please provide us solution asap. - Please solve our problem , we have this situation, We have Team: Person A1 & Person B1 repor Knowlarity Communications India Limited Closed Bug?
#910 5 level Teams - I want to setup 5 levels teams. Example: A is the general director. B is regional sales manager. C chandan Closed General Question
#906 I cant update or create new dropdowns in Studio - Hi After the instalation of SecuritySuite last version to SuiteCRM 6.1.4 i have problems with dro mikolajadam Closed Bug?
#905 Studio &gt; Module &gt; Field &amp; Relationships = &quot;An error has occured&quot; popup - We are experiencing the same problem that was mentioned in the following thread a year ago: https jaumealbaiges Closed Bug?
#903 After installation views are blank - Once we installed the module than we can't access the accounts and List Roles chandan Closed Installation
#891 assign to more than one user - i'm using the free version of securitysuite on sugarcrm community 6.5.13. i want to assign an rodnikosh Closed General Question
#867 Unable to get Security Suite work for custom modules - Group is attached the custom module, user is in the group and has a role is given to the user Pravin Closed Bug?
#866 6.5.18 version download - When I try to download the 6.5.18 version my browser is reporting the file is not there. I can downl Shark Corporation Ltd Closed Installation
#847 problem installing the 6.5.18 version - We’ve run into a problem upgrading to the latest security suite. We have upgraded to the lates andreskruse Closed Bug?
#846 URGENT: license validation error:NULL - I can't validate license. I checked php_curl as suggested in other posts, I also checked file nordestinnovazione Closed Installation
#844 &quot;Hooking&quot; custom modules to SecuritySuite - I'm using SuiteCRM and their custom sales modules (i.e. quotes, contracts, invoices...) are not Stefan Closed General Question
#842 Managing Users - Can SecuritySuite be used to allow users to manage other user accounts and still restrict them to th mike1 Open Feature
#839 How to set permissions to Users module? - Hi, Jason! Need to restrict access at leat to Edit profiles by users or even access to users detail kir Closed General Question
#836 Show assigned security group in a list view - Hello there, we are using premium CE Teams. Can security group be displayed in a list view? We usua ykhazin Closed Feature
#818 Group selection panel setting to default to parent record's group(s) - For example, if I'm creating a new contact within an account, I would like to have the group se Stefan Closed Feature
#817 Group selection panel when composing an email - Noticed that when composing an email within an account, the popup does not contain the group selecto Stefan Open Bug?
#816 No &quot;Use Creator Group Select&quot; subpanel after upgrade - Hi Jason, I upgraded my SuiteCRM v7.1.1 instance with SecuritySuite v2.7.3 to SuiteCRM v7.1.4 wit Stefan Closed Bug?
#815 suitecrm securitySuite problem - I'm still trying to find a solution to my problem. I updated my sugar crm 6.5.17 to Suitecrm. joseluisciccio Closed Bug?
#813 SecuritySuite 2.8.0 Update on SuiteCRM 2.1.4 - No "Create" Column on Roles jatomusic87 Closed Bug?
#809 Security suite and quotes - Hi, I'm trying to manage security on qutotes using Security suite but unlike accounts or contac ece Closed General Question
#796 License Key Failed - The license key show Failed aulloa Closed Installation
#785 Problem with Security Suite Full Edition on a SuiteCRM istance - i installed again the last version of the security suite for sugarcrm 6.17 I have problems because w joseluisciccio Closed Bug?
#778 Create Lead and Create Modules Not showing up - From Bill Convis and SierraCRM, he states that: Can you open a case in SugarOutfitters under your bob Closed Bug?
#773 Getting a message ERROR: NULL - I am getting an error ERROR: NULL on validation of key. Please help jignesh Closed Bug?
#770 Security Suite Full Edition on a SuiteCRM istance - Dear Sugar Outfitters, a customer of mine bought the Full Edition of SecuritySuite and installed Lion Solution Closed General Question
#769 Having issues with Russian language pack - Hello There is two wrong things 1. There is no subpanel for mass assignation of accounts/contacts. jonny Closed General Question
#767 Active field for each dropdown option - Hello, Eggsurplus i want to know if it is possible active dynamically fields for each item selete aulloa Closed General Question
#765 license not validated - I installed fresh copy of sugarcrm ce 6.5.17 on fresh installed ubuntu 14.04 with LAMP stack. After jonny Closed Bug?
#762 License Key not working - Hi, I purchase Security suite. But my license key is not getting validated. The error message I g Knowlarity Communications India Limited Closed Installation
#756 Audit - There is the possibility to audit the user that have added/removed the security group relationship? diego.campiglia Closed Feature
#755 Problem relation list email - Teams module when the module version for SugarCE is installed, you can not link an Practics Business Solutions Closed Bug?
#744 Queries running slowly - Is there any way to optimize the queries from Security Suite? I have a user associated to 8 separate mike1 Closed Bug?
#739 Modify relationship for SecuritySuite - Hi, i've got another question. For some modules, example: Cases i want them to be assigned only mreintranet Closed General Question
#738 Restrict create new note or attatchment in history panel with SecuritySuite - Is there a way to restrict the create or hide the buton for new wih SecuritySuite in the history sub mreintranet Closed Feature
#734 CE Teams 6.5.11 on SugarCRM 6.5.11 - After installing I am getting this error message when trying to open users, accounts, contacts, oppo gfuruto Closed Bug?
#728 Products - I create a security group, and assign five products from Products Module. When i get in sugarcrm wit ESFORMA S.COOP. Closed Bug?
#726 Delete group layout definition - Hi Jason, I've defined custom Account layouts using the Studio for two diferent groups and I& juanalo Closed General Question
#723 Will not install - I'm trying to install on SuiteCRM 7.1.1. scottc Closed Installation
#711 blank page after saving an account or contact - Hello - just setup suitecrm 7.1.2. All was working as expected. Implemented SecuritySuite and now I Jeff_M Closed Installation
#705 Allow view access based on relationship? - Hi, just getting my head around SecuritySuite and have a quick question. All our Projects have a evan Closed General Question
#694 User Role Access - We have a user role for users that aren't part of any security group. There's an issue wit nathan1 Closed Bug?
#692 QuickCRM comptability - I�ve purchased the module and now I�m interested in use the third party module QuickCRM Mobile ( juanalo Closed General Question
#690 Validation on new Purchase - Hi, I recently purchased a license of Security Suites and when I try to install it I get an errror m dinaro1 Closed Installation
#686 Hiding &quot;Activities&quot; and &quot;History&quot; subpanel - Hi I'm wondering if it's possible to hide the "Activities" and "History& Foreningen Nydansker Closed General Question
#668 SecuritySuite is no longer active Please renew your subscription or check your license configuration. - Hi, From yesterday we unable to use and we are getting below mention error, pl. help us to resolv itsupport1 Closed Bug?
#664 Default setting for new Opportunity - I would like to default every new opportunity to a specific group, please advise where the setting Paul Bonnallie Closed General Question
#663 Create a Layout for a Role - I have created a caller role and assigned users to it. I would like to create a separate layout vie Paul Bonnallie Closed General Question
#653 Calendar module not working for users in a restrictive group - Just upgraded to 6.5.17. Nothing changed related to the permissions or roles of users. As an admin ifpsugarcrm Closed Bug?
#629 How do I buy this module? - How do i buy this module, it keeps taking me to trial version whenever i try to buy. Please help. ftoruvanda Closed General Question
#628 Assign sub - Hi When i assign a contact to a security group, associated with the contact not assigned and i have mehrshid Closed General Question
#626 securitysuite disabled 'by itself'?? have to reconfirm the license to re-enable - Hi Jason, this is with version 2.7.3. Happens on both installations we have, SugarCE 6.5.16, every andreskruse Closed Bug?
#617 Creator Group Select - My understanding of this feature is that when I am on the Create/Edit View of a Sugar record, assumi Ticomix, Inc Closed General Question
#613 Users calendar displayes tasks, meetings etc that are assigned for other users - Sugar CRM CE Version 6.5.15 (Build 1083) SecurityGroups - Premium Edition 2.6.7 vytenis Closed Bug?
#607 Products can not be search by product Category - HI, As we are trying to find the products by category in advanced search view then it can't se mryekhande Closed General Question
#601 group layouts great, but is there a way to have 'read only' fields? - hi, not sure if this is possible. I need to restrict editing of certain fields so that only adminis andreskruse Open Feature
#598 Problem with Group setting in role managent - Hello, I have a strange problem with the SecurityGroups - Premium Edition 2.6.8. I have a create DesislavaTomova Closed Bug?
#592 Upgrade from 6.5.11 to 6.5.16 and SecuritySuite - Hi. I have upgraded SugarCRM CE from 6.5.11 to 6.5.16. I have SecuritySuite 2.6.4 Premium instal N2ST Closed Installation
#590 Info about the free version of SecurityGroups. - Hi. I am upgrading SecurityGroups - Basic Edition from 2.6.4 to 2.7.3 but i can't find anymo N2ST Closed General Question
#588 "Related To" Record Not have link in List view and at dashlet for task module - Hi Guys, I had installed security group in my SugarCRM.I have created one user named "ahmad& mryekhande Open Bug?
#582 time restricted login - Is there anyway to restrict a user to only be able to login during certain hours of the day? mike1 Closed Feature
#579 After install my crm completely die - Latest sugar. Dead after install. [Wed May 28 12:30:05 2014] [error] [client] PHP Par ggbspbru Closed Bug?
#577 Does not seem to work with Contracts - Can create a contract as user X but when logging in as user Y that has permissions set in roles. We davidhalliday Closed Bug?
#573 Assign Records - Hello, I'm trying to add a functionality to SugarCRM using the Securty Suite. I want to add joaninhafonseca Closed General Question
#568 How to create a Group in a hook - Is there any sample code somewhere on how to create a Group, add members and add roles automatically aimoreno Closed General Question
#555 SecuritySuite - Team Module - Downloaded the SecuritySuite limited features Team Module ver 6.5.16 unable to load with module load dickkiatlee Closed Installation
#550 Getting error when creating a new group - I am getting this error when I try to create a new security group. I purchased a premium version few sjasbir Closed Bug?
#549 Security group inheritance in email attachments - Hi Jason, Using opacus thunderbird connector we are facing an issue with security group. When yo amministrazione Open Bug?
#548 import security groups - Is it possible to import security groups? I have about 1900 I need to setup and one by one would be mike1 Closed Feature
#534 My accounts not showing after uninstalling SecuritySuite - SugarCRM Teams - I uninstalled SecuritySuite - SugarCRM Teams and now few users they are not able to view accounts or amits Closed Installation
#529 SecuritySuite - Hook Up module - we used hook up module to create secuSuite enabled for custom modules. i also noticed they are creat Pravin Closed Bug?
#528 Security Suite - SOAP API - Hi , I have been extensively using SecuritySuite in our soap calls it works as desired. but then wh Pravin Closed Bug?
#526 Shared Calendar shows all the meeting/calls/tasks for all users - Hi Jason, We are facing an annoying issue. Some users who should only be able to see THEIR GROU amministrazione Closed Bug?
#525 Group Messages - The Group Messages dashlet was pushed to all users. How do I undo this so this is not a default dash nathan1 Closed General Question
#524 Showing message invalid package - I have download for 6.5.12 and tried to install the module but showing error invalid package.Please pandeyankita14 Closed Bug?
#522 SQL Server 2008 R2 slow query - If a user is part of a security group and navigates to the accounts section, the following query ess Stefan Closed Bug?
#519 Module loader - I had a SugarCRM CE v6.5.13 installation with SecurityGroups - Premium Edition v2.6.5 and I upgraded Stefan Closed Bug?
#518 List and View Access - Access for Accounts module is set to Group for List and View. The correct accounts are showing up fo nathan1 Closed General Question
#513 Finding it hard to install upgrade to 6.5.13 - We've purchased a new license of SecuritySuite but we're finding that although the UI sugg marketingqed Closed Installation
#503 REST API CE 6.5.5 - Does the security suite protect the REST API? sugardaddy Closed General Question
#497 License Manager Not Working - I just upgraded to Premium on Trial, but copy/pasting the license code is not working for me. I can kenlyle Closed Bug?
#496 Security Suite: securitygroups_records file very large (2,159,462 records) - My securitygroups_records table has 2.159,462 records (1.9Gb size) while the rest of the database ha ssaddler Closed General Question
#495 Access roles for Security Groups - We're having an issue with the roles of some users that are in multiple security groups. For ex nathan1 Closed General Question
#489 Different users having different roles in different groups - I have tried looking through other posts but can't quote grasp how to set this up, I wondered i info15 Closed General Question
#488 Role / Group / Users Modelling - I wanted to achieve this using SecuritySuite click the link to see the model to share the data. h Pravin Closed General Question
#486 Invoice request. - Hi. Can you send to me the invoice for my Security Suite renewal processed on 3/23/2014? Thanks in N2ST Closed General Question
#484 Custom Layouts - I have a question about the Custom Layout feature. If there are multiple layouts created and a user nathan1 Closed Feature
#482 Need Help : SecuritySuite is Not Compatible with SuiteCRM Which is Forked version of SugarCRM - I Had recently purchased a full version of SecuritySuite but this seems not to be compatible with t Pravin Closed Bug?
#474 User created records - Limit "Assigned To" Field To Read Only - Can the above be done? What I'm looking at is to restrict the user from having the ability to a vintagefreelancer Open General Question
#473 Calendar Module Issue - The calendar module and My Calendar dashlet are showing activity for all users in the same Security nathan1 Open Bug?
#470 SecurityGroups Premium Edition - One of our SugarCRM sites currently has SecurityGroups Premium Edition installed. The version number nathan1 Closed General Question
#467 Multilevel Hierarchy in SecuritySuite - Hello, Can we create Multilevel hierarchy through Security Suite. What I need is: A and B Report Rob123456 Open Feature
#451 Group Messages - Customize - Is there the possibility to customize Group Message, in order to change it to User-to-User Messaging gwsilva Open Feature
#450 How to assign import contacts to a group? - Hi! We need to import thousands of contacts into SugarCRM. If I follow the import process, there info15 Closed General Question
#449 Designating view for users in multiple groups - Hello, I have a bit of an odd issue. Originally we were using Security Suite to make different vi Jackal Software Closed General Question
#435 Unable to doenload module - Hi, I went through the 'transaction' to get the free version of your module but the mod Jiten Closed Bug?
#434 I think I understand the model but can't make sense of which records users can and can't see. - What I would like to do is have record that can always be seen by its creator, and everyone in the g steves Closed General Question
#433 SOAP import assign security group - Is it possible to assign a security group while importing leads using the SOAP API? If not is it po mike1 Closed Feature
#431 Offline Activation - Hi, we want to use the module for a Sugar instance that has no external connection whatsoever. I madmat Closed Installation
#429 Dashlet Search securtity groups Blank - if you add the security group search to a dashlet it doesn't show any groups and just shows a b salesagility Closed Bug?
#427 Private records - What is the best configuration to have each user have both: 1. Regular records visible to all. wd Open General Question
#421 Need help : Unsupported Version - I'm newbie in SugarCRM. can somebody help me finding and download Basic SecuritySuite 6.5.15 mizuair Closed Bug?
#420 Upgade Process for Security Groups - Hello SugarOutfitters, We have a customer that we are assisting in upgrading from SugarCRM CE 6.1.0 Bill Convis DBA SierraCRM Closed General Question
#416 delete group messages - Hello, Is it possible to delete a Group Message, which someone else of your group have post? Curre DesislavaTomova Open Feature
#413 How to create Unique layouts for a group but not use the group visiblity to filter the records. - I think I am missing something. In the Commercial version of Sugar you can set fields to Hide or Rea Closed General Question
#412 Assign only to Primary Group - Is it possible to configure Security Suite to only assign a record to only the users primary group, salesagility Open Feature
#409 Assigning Child Records - I was looking for a way to reassign all child records of an account when it's assigned to anoth Stefan Open General Question
#408 Adding Language - Hi, I downloaded the Security Suite limited version and I made Turkish language translation files onur Open Feature
#407 Can't relate asol_Reports with SecuritySuite - Hello, I tried to relate SecuritySuite with asol_Reports, but I received an error message Ajax f DesislavaTomova Closed Bug?
#396 Disabling or making fields ReadOnly depending on different Roles - I am trying to determine if the following can be done in SecuritySuite (or a combination of the tool Open General Question
#381 Dashlets not add - Hello After securitysuite installation, Not things happened when i try to add new dashlets, Both fo mehrshid Open Bug?
#377 Assigning Security Group with Workflows - Is it possible to assign security groups with workflows? I'm hooking up our inbound form on mikek Closed Feature
#375 Need help : unsupported version - Need help to down grade Security Suite from 6.5 to 6.2.6 Sugar CRM CE. rs Closed Bug?
#374 no link to account (parent type) in calls, meetings, tasks - just text - Hi, Jason! SecuritySuite 6.5.15, CE Default group settings. Role directly assigned to user. Role kir Open Bug?
#373 Need help : unsupported version - We accidently downloaded the 6.5 version of Security Suit where as our Sugar version is 6.2.6 . Can Pravin Closed Installation
#371 Advanced Search - Hi, in the Account module (or on any other module) - Search or Advanced Search, is it possible to Lion Solution Closed Feature
#368 Not Inheritable - Hi I checked Not Inheritable in Users subpanel and group itself both, But when i create a new accou mehrshid Closed Bug?
#367 Move Dashlets - Hello My Sugarcrm is CE version 6.5.13 Installed SecurityGroups - Basic Edition version 2.6.5 Iss mehrshid Closed Bug?
#364 Logging problem - Hello SugarOutfitters, When I click Log in as certain user it log me successfully, but it ask fo kyuchukovv Closed Bug?
#361 Add dushlet when logged in AS - doesn't save - Hello Today i was logged in AS user and add dashlet to home page. I was browsing back and forward - kir Closed Bug?
#360 restrict administrator's permissions - Hello, Is there an option to restrict administrator's permissions? Is it possible for example DesislavaTomova Closed Feature
#354 Multiple instances - Hi, I would like to know how many download and installations we can make with a license. We have se gpiazza Closed General Question
#351 Security Group Issue - Hi there, We installed Security Group Basics on a SugarCRM CE 6.5.16 installation. Setup file and smeegama Closed Bug?
#339 can' t assign products to a group - Hello, We are using SecuritySuite - Premium Edition /6516_Premium_SecuritySuite_268/. We have a pr DesislavaTomova Closed Bug?
#334 SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar - 6.5.16 - Hi there, We have installed the SecuritySuite on Sugar 6.5.16 and the below error comes up. Is th smeegama Closed Bug?
#329 Remove a group policy from Company/Contact - Hello, i try to remove the group policy from one Company/Contact after the job was finished. I Metin Open General Question
#327 Get all members of a team/security group - Hi I want to do something like this where i get all the members of a security group that is associat robcollyer Closed General Question
#318 Problem with views - Hello, We are using 6516_Premium_SecuritySuite_268 version and we have a problem with the views. W DesislavaTomova Closed Bug?
#314 Mass Assign not working - I have created a team and have tried to mass assign accounts to the team. It "acts" like i rscheetz Closed Feature
#311 Need more details on the payment - i can see it is 25$ for month, is it 25$ per month for unlimited users on unlimited intances of Sug rodnikosh Closed Feature
#309 Change view of shared calendar from week to month ( or year ) - Hello I didn't find a way to change a view for shared calendars from week to month or day. Is akarpov Closed Feature
#307 Behaviour of &quot;Strict Rights&quot; - Hello, In version 268 (for Sugar 6.5.16), does the option "Strict Rights" works as expect Carrenet Closed Bug?
#306 Mass Assign - error in where clause - When I try to mass assign the entire data set, I receive the following error: "MySQL error 105 liran Open Bug?
#305 Assgin record to a security group programmatically (SecuritySuite Premium) - Hello. I would like to assign records to security groups by some sort of a batch process, based on v ykhazin Closed Feature
#304 Show which security group a record is assgined to (SecuritySuite Premium) - Hello. I would like to know if it is possible to display (say in ListView or DetailView layouts) whi ykhazin Closed Feature
#299 Exporting Group Layouts - I have a development and production copies of SugarCRM. I make my changes in the development one and Stefan Closed Bug?
#298 Group Access - I've set up Security Groups for users, but when attempting to access an account that's par nathan1 Closed Bug?
#294 Invoice purchase - Sorry for writing here but I couldn't find any other place in the website. Can I receive invoic joseluisciccio Closed Feature
#292 Assign group to existing child records when inherit from parent is set - I created new group with inherit from parent option. When i assign this Group lets say to Account r kir Open Bug?
#290 problem with Opacus after module installation - Hello, I have a problem that I think cames from after the SecuritySuite module installation. I sp joseluisciccio Closed Bug?
#283 Blank ListView on 6.5.15 (upgraded) - 6.5.15 (upgraded), windows and Linux Blank full ListView in Accounts, Contacts when default sort by kir Closed Bug?
#282 Manager of a Team - Hi, is it possible to create a Group where each User of the Group could see just his own data, and t Lion Solution Closed Feature
#281 Move user from one group to another group - Please add feature to move user from one group to another group. When user move from 1 group to ano thirtayasa Open Feature
#280 6516 Basic SecuritySuite fails install at 100% (i think ...) - I am attempting to install 6516 Basic SecuritySuite to a stock install of SugarCRM Community flinx Closed Bug?
#279 Error with getPrimaryGroupID function in SecurityGroup.php - The query in the getPrimaryGroupID function throws an error. I tracked it down to line 668 with the michaeln56 Closed Bug?
#272 &ugrave;problem with permissions - I nead to let permission to chose which group to assign a record to a normal user. How can i do that joseluisciccio Closed Feature
#269 Error on assigning custom module to security groups - I have just installed security suite. Then do some hookups for my custom modules, I create new grou vytenis Closed Bug?
#257 SugarCRM CE 6.5.13 and the standard Case Modul - Deal All, not sure If I'm right. I'm not able to "group" with the sugarCRM CE S gruendl Closed Bug?
#247 delete relationship between a record and a security doesn't work for users - using version 252 for sugar 6.4.3 i want my users to change the record team too. when a user cre rodnikosh Closed Bug?
#237 Custom Modules in SugarCRM 6.5.9 and Security Suite - Hi Jason, Working with Pete at FA in Minn. They have Sugar 6.5.9 and Security Suite. Custom module Bill Convis DBA SierraCRM Closed Bug?
#234 can't add securitygroup relationship to account using add() - i'm using 643_Basic_SecuritySuite_252 version on 6.4.3 sugarcrm version. in the Account befo rodnikosh Closed Bug?
#231 SugarCRM 6.5.9 after upgrade 6.5.x to 6.5.15 - After installed & ON SecuritySuite module, Users module don't show anything. after OFF SS m zumep Closed Bug?
#230 can't load relationships with account module - i'm using "646 Basic SecuritySuite" version because i have 6.4.3 sugarcrm ver rodnikosh Open Bug?
#223 Option &quot;Users list filter&quot; causes a bug in activities dashlet on homepage - Since I checked the users list filter in security suite (to limit the possibility to assign to users Captivea - SugarCRM Advanced Partner Closed Bug?
#221 Release of module for 6.5.15 - When will the updated module be available? dgreene Closed Bug?
#218 Layouts totally broken in Studio - When I try to customize the layout for any module in Studio when I click on 'layouts' I am markriggins Closed Bug?
#217 Security Realms - We need to be able to divide the users, groups, and roles into independant realms. Each realm wou markriggins Open Feature
#215 Wide Open Security By Default for New Users - A new user with NO SECURITY GROUPS or roles can see ALL RECORDS, even records that have been assigne markriggins Closed Bug?
#214 Fatal Error on 6.5.13 - Fatal error, while displaying a Security Group's detail page, and trying to select an item fro markriggins Open Bug?
#210 Use SecuritySuite to split up Create/Edit - Same question is here: connectkz Closed Feature
#198 Can one user has different role in different group - As subjected. Can user1 has "owner" role in groupA while has "group" role in gro gzl6 Closed Feature
#197 SS Premium 2.5.2 not working with custom modules? - Hi, I bought the Premium version for this feature: Custom module support This means custom module madmat Closed Bug?
#191 multiple groups layout setting - If I have one user assigned to two different security groups and each security group has its own lay mike1 Closed Feature
#188 Dokument and SecuritySuite - Basic Edition - Hello from munich, I asking me if you can help me I have create a new Modul "customer-dok gruendl Closed Feature
#187 Safe Table Maintenance - My securitygroups_records table is getting very large (over 1.2 millions records). How do I safel sparcusa Closed Bug?
#182 6514 Basic SecuritySuite fails install at 17% - I am attempting to install 6514 Basic SecuritySuite to a stock install of SugarCRM Community bchabot Closed Bug?
#178 sugar CE 6.5.14 - Dear SecuritySuite Team, when do you plan your update to sugar CE 6.5.14? Best Regards Andreas gruendl Closed Feature
#176 MYSQL Table Query (Speed) question - Good Afternoon, This is more of a question than a feature request. We are using the Security Grou rgaitken Closed Feature
#173 Shared calendar not showing names for all security groups - We are on Sugar CE 6.5.12 We just noticed that not all the users that are in a security group show crmadmin Closed Bug?
#172 Confirmation messages do not work after install. - I installed SecuritySuite Basic and the functionality appears to work fine. However, my confirmatio TechAdmin Closed Bug?
#170 records access after the group join - Hi, Jason Group restriction rule is working only if the record has related with the S.G.? So if fusion2004 Closed Bug?
#168 This fee is based on an annual basis? - $250 A YEAR? xiaoker Closed Bug?
#165 Shared calendar shows names for group none and usernames for specific group - Is it possible to have the group calendar show the user's name instead of the id when you selec crmadmin Closed Feature
#161 bug with custom module 6.5.13 - Hello and sorry for my bad english ... I use SUGARCRM CE 6.5.13 with securitysuite 6513, no probl Lucius.Oracle Closed Bug?
#154 How to apply &quot;Group&quot; ACL to one group, and &quot;Owner&quot; to another? - I have a user with two Roles, and two Groups, but I want one Role to apply to group A, and another R semyl Closed Feature
#152 &quot;Use Creator Group Select&quot; setting - Hi again Jason, In the "Security Suite Settings", I've checked on the option " Stefan Closed Feature
#151 &quot;Security Groups: Mass Assign&quot; subpanel in a module's list view is not displaying - Hi Jason, I've encountered an issue where the "Security Groups: Mass Assign" subpa Stefan Closed Bug?
#149 Queries Related to Security Suite Buy - We are planning to buy this suit for Sugar CRM on-demand Enterprise Edition 6.6.2 We have some doub msuppahiya Closed Feature
#144 Deselect activities and History - Hi, I try to make a group that can´t see acitivities and history for companies and contacts. hassej Open Bug?
#133 Documentation help on how security groups work - When we add security groups to a user, all meetings disappear. If the user doesn't have any sec crmadmin Closed Feature
#129 License fee - Hello admins, this is probably not the venue to raise this question but nobody is responding to me o gameboy8 Closed Bug?
#127 Compatibility with 3rd party outlook plugins - I&rsquo;m running CE v6.5.11 with the security suite module and I&rsquo;ve installed a coupl Stefan Closed Bug?
#120 Layout permissions - We have been trying to change a layout element for various layouts. When we assign the user to a Sec crmadmin Closed Bug?
#119 having problems controlling permissions with kreporter reports - I'm having problems controlling permissions to reports in kreporter. How do i assign reports t sarman_1998 Closed Bug?
#118 Installation breaks every module - After installing on fresh 6.5.12 it breaks the accounts/contacts/opportunities main view of modules. mberniz Closed Bug?
#111 Which .zip file for Version 6.7.0 (Build 1312) - I just installed the trial and want to run it in my test environment, which is Version 6.7.0 (Build jkalantzis Closed Bug?
#108 Is your product compatible with sugarcrm 6.5.11 community? - I just upgraded to 6.512 and tried to reinstall security suite (teams) and it's telling me that OpenOptics Closed Bug?
#107 6.5.12 Compatability - When will the version for 6.5.12 be released? dgreene Closed Bug?
#104 Security Groups preventing subpanel record viewing/editing - For the life of me i can not find out why we can no longer view any subpanels under an account. The dgreene Closed Bug?
#101 group calendar feature not working as required - Support issue for security suite team edition Hi I have downloaded sugarcrm secruity suite pr nirvanaguy19 Closed Feature
#97 Installed custom module fix for CE6.1 but Custom Module not showing up in Access List - I ran the custiom module fix on CE6.1 and it seemed to work for the most part. However th access ta lavery Closed Bug?
#95 EmailTemplate dropdown in EmailMarketing module - We found that there is missing SecuritySuite protection of the list of email templates available to kevin Closed Bug?
#94 security suite - doesnt seem to be compatible with 6.5.9? jprojixx Closed Bug?
#90 CE Version 6.5.9 (Build 8653) &amp; &quot;659_Premium_SecuritySuite_264&quot; - ... since i purchased the securitysuite (billing 13.3. / credited 16..3.) i recieve the "topscr ecu-espana Closed Bug?
#80 Security suite, autorasation for making subpanel relations - Hello Jason, I have a question about your excellent module. It doesnt seem to be possible to set MichielNiemeijer Open Feature
#79 email attachments does not show - Thank you for this great addon module. I installed the module on sugar version 6.5.9 and seems l Noam Open Bug?
#78 After i have unchecked the checkbox inherit the user groups created record, they continue to be inherited. - I decided to uncheck this option in automatic for users. I want that they will decided which group syotik Closed Bug?
#76 Custom Sub Panel Layouts - Hi Jason, I would like to suggest a feature for Security Suite. I really like this package a lo ewpeanutty Open Feature
#74 Studio not showing custom group layout - Hello, I am trying out Premium Security Suite and I have tried the install on several installs and n ewpeanutty Closed Bug?
#72 records visibility by creator user - Hi again, I try the basic security plugin. I need that the records created by a user (e.g. ME) c mcindietech Closed Feature
#71 SecuritySuite (Teams) compatibility with SugarCRM 6.5.9 - Hi, I wan to know if SecuritySuite (Teams) support SugarCRM 6.5.9. I have tryed install the last mcindietech Closed Bug?
#69 cascade add/remove option - imagine small distributor company (metal cutting tools) manager work on sale process - personal rol kir Open Feature
#67 Inheritance Rules don't work properly - Sugar version is 6.5.2 and . With the option of "Inherit from Assigned To User" and " info-nc-sec Closed Bug?
#64 How &quot;Push Message Dashlet&quot; feature works? - I&rsquo;m using SugarCRM 6.5.10 with Security Suite 2.6.4 and when I open "Admin > Secur N2ST Closed Bug?
#61 Problem with umlaut characters on config area into the SugarCRM administration - Hi. On my SugarCRM version 6.5.10 with Security Suite 2.6.4 I have a problem with the umlaut charac N2ST Closed Bug?
#60 Security Suite show twice in admin - Hi. I installed Security Suite on my upgrade SugarCRM from version 6.2.0 to 6.5.10. On my previous N2ST Closed Bug?
#58 Does the custom module security feature work with CE v6.1? - I'm running SecuritySuite 2.2.1 with CE 6.1 but want to leverage the custom module security fea lavery Closed Feature
#57 SugarCRM CE 6.2.6 - Administrator account shows blan access matrix - I recently upgraded SugarCRM (CE) from 6.1.6 to version 6.26 and noticed that the administrator acco ssaddler Closed Bug?
#55 assign cold contacts to &quot;group account&quot; - my issue is half a bug and half a logical question... Logical Issue: My plan is, that "inbound ecu-espana Closed Bug?
#46 not working with CE Version 6.5.9 (Build 8653) - whats up here? pressed repair and still appears: "Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the ecu-espana Closed Bug?
#40 Select security groups - Logged user is member of 4 groups, when I create the lead, system asks to choose security group from narenpoonia Closed Bug?
#39 Can't install - When I try to install this module for sugar version 6.4.1 I get a compatibility error. When will thi DBDB Closed Feature
#36 SecuritySuite Setting in Custom Module - Hi Jason, I've the same setting requirement described in the forum link below: http://forum Peggy Closed Bug?
#35 I'm not able to download the new version for my upgraded instance. - Hi! I'm not able to download the new version for my upgraded instance. When I click on the do crmcasapfa Closed Bug?
#34 Options for when parent record changes - Inherit from Assigned To User adds security groups to a record each time the record is reassigned to semyl Open Feature
#32 Select PopUp Doesn't Select User - After I create a Security Group, under Users or Roles, I hit Select, then in the popup I see my user bash3r Closed Bug?
#31 Assign multiple users to a record - I have members of different sales team working the same account. Now I need a sales rep from team 1 jobtip Closed Feature
#24 Studio SecurityGroup dropdown limit to first 20 - In studio, add Layout the security group drop-down only shows the first 20 groups( or however many y salesagility Closed Bug?
#23 Studio &gt; Module &gt; Field &amp; Relationships = &quot;An error has occured&quot; popup - After I installed the 6.5.5 basic security suite a popup error shows when I drill into a field name neuropharm Closed Bug?
#22 Convert Leads - After upgrading to Sugar 6.5.8 (and upgrading the 658 version of SecuritySuite) the Convert Leads sc jth1970 Closed Bug?
#20 Security Group does not show for Email Templates - For some reason, the security group sub panel does not show up on the Email Template list view. I a lavery Closed Bug?
#19 Email Addresses In Email Template - Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to create an email template where the distribution list is jbaranello Closed Feature
#18 Microsoft SQL Server - Dear, i used sugar 6 CE edition with Microsoft SQL Server Database, i have a problem on searchin ajoudeh Closed Bug?
#14 Security Suite Basic - Advanced Search - In the Advanced Search, the Assigned to multi-select field shows all users, even if the current user spyderweb56 Closed Feature
#11 Filter ListView by Security Group - For searching, it would be useful to see only records associated to a specific group. The groups lis eggsurplus Closed Feature
#9 Studio appears strange after installing Security suite - The Studio layout has been changed and doesn't allow me to make any changes in the layout, fiel egroup Closed Bug?
#3 [Popup select option] Notes not trying popup group select - **Note** This only affects about 2% of the installs that have chosen to use this very specific featu eggsurplus Closed Bug?