#1660 - How to load M2M (many to many) relationship table columns data from beans
currently I retreiving user bean
and then loading security group relationship
I want to use securitygroups_users tables fields
How to get those relationship table fields from bean?
current code :
$userBean = BeanFactory::getBean ( 'Users' );
$users = $userBean->get_list ( "users.date_modified DESC", "users.date_modified < '" . $dateTimeOffset . "'", 0, 10 );
foreach ( $users ['list'] as $user ) {
// load user security group if any
$user->load_relationship ( $rel_name );
$userAirlineGroups = $user->$rel_name->getBeans ();
**/****************I need here data of table securitygroups_users**********************/
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago