by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SugarCRM or SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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#1672 - How to create custom layouts

Closed General Question created by frankietrifilio 9 years ago

I am not able to (or cant figure out how to) create custom layouts post installation of SecuritySuite. I have two groups and two roles created but when trying to assign layouts created prior to installing SecurityGroup, I am not able to do anything.

From Studio I choose "Contacts" for instance, then select layouts. I am presented with the "Add Layout" screen and it has the header "Select a Group Layout to Add"

In the Security Group dropdown, my only choice is "[Create a Group First]" but the "Copy From" dropdown lists the groups I created prior to installing SecurityGroup.

I am sure I am doing something incorrectly but I am not quite sure what it is. Any direction or help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  1. jason member avatar

    jason Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

    Hi Frankie,

    If the Group dropdown list is empty then you have already created the layout. Nested in the Layouts folder will now be a new folder with your group name in it. Open that folder and you can access and edit all the layouts for that group.

    Let me know if you have any questions!


  2. frankietrifilio member avatar


    9 years ago

    Wow, what a quick response! Thank you so much. This worked perfectly. -Frankie

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      9 years ago

      Glad to help! Feel free to follow up here or start a new case if you need anything else.

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