#1704 - Auto assign contacts to group accounts
I can't find how to assign contacts to accounts that are assigned to a group. So the account is part of a sales region. The user is member of the group (with group only rights). The user can't see the contacts under the account unless the contact is part of the security group. How to accomplish this?
9 years ago
Going forward, any newly created contact will inherit the group from the account depending on your inheritance settings in SecuritySuite Settings. However, this doesn't help if you installed SecuritySuite after you have much of your data in place already. For that scenario it will take some work. If you are comfortable with SQL then I'd recommend creating a script to do this data setup. You can also use the search on the Contacts module to filter for certain Accounts and then mass assign the appropriate groups.
Here is a sample script (untested, backup db prior to using):
8 years ago
Closing this out, but feel free to follow up if you have any more questions.