#1720 - after_relationship_delete event between user and security group is not working
I am facing problem using after_relationship_delete event between user and security group.
When I unlink secuity group from user from user management I see this unlinking is linked to this file : "include/generic/DeleteRelationship.php" line number "89" But after that after_relationship_delete event is not running
But when I try to unlink from user bean
$rel_name = 'SecurityGroups'; $user = new User (); $user->retrieve ( $userId ); $user->load_relationship ( $rel_name ); $user->$rel_name->delete ( $user->id,$securityGroupId);
Please help
9 years ago
Hi there,
I'm not sure how to help here. It sounds like there may be a bug in Sugar that you are running into if the hook isn't firing. One thing to check to be safe is to try doing an after_relationship_delete on a different module and see if that test works. On the SecurityGroups module, try defining the hook on the other module.
9 years ago
it works for all modules when I try to unlink from user bean
$rel_name = 'SecurityGroups'; $user = new User (); $user->retrieve ( $userId ); $user->load_relationship ( $rel_name ); $user->$rel_name->delete ( $user->id,$securityGroupId);
Its just not working when calling from "include/generic/DeleteRelationship.php" line number "89"
Thanks anyway
9 years ago
Have you tried remove() instead? It will trigger data/Relationships/M2MRelationship.php->remove() which calls the before/after relationship delete hooks.
8 years ago
Closing this out, but feel free to follow up if you have any more questions.