#176 - MYSQL Table Query (Speed) question
Good Afternoon,
This is more of a question than a feature request. We are using the Security Groups module on system that has lots of records in the 'securitygroups_records' table, when a Contact / Lead / Target is being deleted it is taking a long time to update the table and is causing it to Lock between updates. We done some tracing on this a we can locate the issue in the M2MRelationship module and the issue relates to the missing module name on a delete which means MYSQL cant use the indexes that are on this table.
This is becoming a particular problem on mass deletes, therefore I was wondering if we should look at adding a new index on this table, one that does not include the module field or if we should try a looking elsewhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated as the module itself is proving very useful.
Thank you
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
10 years ago