by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SugarCRM or SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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#191 - multiple groups layout setting

Closed Feature created by mike1 11 years ago

If I have one user assigned to two different security groups and each security group has its own layout, how do I control which security group's layout that user sees?

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    11 years ago

    Right now it is first come first serve for which layout the user sees. It has been such a rare occurrence that it hasn't been worth expanding the functionality to this level. In each of the views in include/MVC/View/views/ it iterates through the groups for a user and grabs the first custom group layout it finds.

    • mike1 member avatar


      11 years ago

      So currently there is no way to give two users access to the same record but limit the fields one of those users can view?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      Yes you can hide/show fields for specific groups so that two users can access the same record, but limit the fields that a user can view. The original question of what if a user is in two groups is a more difficult one. If a user is in two groups and Group 1 has a custom group layout and Group 2 does not have a custom group layout it will apply the Group 1 layout. Same if Group 2 has a layout but not Group 1. The issue is if both Group 1 and Group 2 has a custom group layout. In that case it will grab one of the groups by chance (whichever group the user was assigned to first, I believe) and display that for the user.

      A possible solution to this conflict issue is to be able to mark a group as the "Primary Group" for a user. It would then use that group's custom layout (if one exits). That is something I can definitely add. There just hasn't been a reason to up to this point since no one has needed to handle that unique situation.

    • mike1 member avatar


      11 years ago

      the primary group solution would be great! Do you know long it would take to add in that functionality?

      How can I hide the fields for a specific group without doing it through the layouts?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      What version of SugarCRM are you on? I could have something read for Monday of next week.

      To do it without layouts you would need to do some somewhat challenging work in each custom view. The easiest (not fully secure) way is to output javascript after calling parent::display() and removing the fields you need to hide from the DOM.

  2. mike1 member avatar


    11 years ago

    Next Monday would be great! I can just wait until then. Will it come out as a new release? Thanks for your help

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      Yes, you will be able to download it here. What version of SugarCRM are you on? I'll do it for your version first.

    • connectkz member avatar


      11 years ago

      Waiting for download it. For any CE version.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago


      Since you made a purchase here you can go to Account->Purchases and from there open your order and download the file that matches the version of SecuritySuite that you are on.

  3. mike1 member avatar


    11 years ago

    ce 6.5.13 thanks again!

  4. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    11 years ago

    Now available in the 6.5.15 release.

  5. staganyi member avatar


    11 years ago

    Is this in 6.5.13?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      Custom layouts are in all versions. This specific issue of being able to specify the primary group for a user who is a member of multiple groups so that the desired custom layout shows is only available in 6.5.15 and up. This is not needed if a user is a member of multiple groups, but only 1 group has a custom layout. The change solves the case where a user is a member of multiple groups and 2 or more of those groups have custom layouts defined.

      Prior to 6.5.15 it just grabs the first custom layout when that case occurs. Features generally do not get implemented in past versions because of how massive of an effort it is to back port to the very large number of past SugarCRM versions (generally about 10-12 SugarCRM releases a year).

    • staganyi member avatar


      11 years ago

      Yes I know, I would need this functionality in 6.5.13 if possible. Thanks.

  6. torajasekarm member avatar


    8 years ago

    custom groups layout working in suitecrm 7.3.1..Please let me know the steps to do success...

  7. torajasekarm member avatar


    8 years ago

    custom groups layout not working in suitecrm 7.3.1. when developer mode is Off.Please let me know the steps to do success...

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      8 years ago

      So it works when developer mode is on? Can you try upgrading to SuiteCRM 7.6.5 and then install the latest SecuritySuite for 7.6.5? This should solve the issue along with patching many other SuiteCRM security bugs found since 7.3.1. If not, then there is likely a permissions and/or a caching issue happening.

  8. deepaksingh member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hii.. in invoice module one lineitem module available. But inside invoice module. Lineitem module not directly display on home page in All tabe like invoice. But i want lineitem should display direct on home page in All tabe . Don't need to go invoice module first then go lineitem. I want lineitem module should display separate. Like cases, call ,calendar module like this. Please help me.

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