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#2175 - SS Pro@SuiteCRM 7.5.3 Custom Modules not integrated

Closed Bug? created by madmat Verified Purchase 8 years ago

Hi Jason,

using SS Pro on a SuiteCRM 7.5.3 instance for testing purposes we are unable to hook up non-Sugar-modules with SS.

Following the install guide we installed SuiteCRM_7.5.3_SecuritySuite_Full-Edition_v2.9.3b over the SuiteCRM standard SS module.

The "SS Pro Panel" shows up in the Admin Screen. SS Pro features like user logon work.

But: custom modules (like all the AOS_ modules) are not being hooked up. No subpanels for SS and no module in the hook up function.

<img alt="AOS_Quotes no subpanel" src="" class="shadow"> <img alt="Hook Up function" src="" class="shadow">

  1. madmat member avatar

    madmat Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Ofc we did a repair & rebuild / roles / relationships after installing SSpro.

  2. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    We have found that some custom modules aren't using the SuiteCRM framework. That may be what is happening here or the other possibilities are:

    • Someone has already tried to create a relationship using Studio instead of the Hookup Tool (this would need to be manually removed)
    • The hookup tool may not be working when non-English is in use

    I will test the Hookup Tool today with one of the AOS modules to see how it works and what the problem may be.

  3. madmat member avatar

    madmat Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Language barreer came to my mind too, but results are the same when logging in with "English" selected. Thanks for the quick reply!

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      8 years ago

      Shoot. Seen crazier things happen. I'll post back here when I know more. If I find something it should be an easy fix. Thanks for reporting.

  4. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Which specific module are you trying this with in the image included in this case? I'd like to try to replicate it as closely as possible.

  5. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Looked at this a bit more on the AOS_Quotes module as an example. It supports SecuritySuite out of the box, but subpanels don't show because the module isn't using the framework correctly. So a subpanel would need to be manually added to those modules to see it correctly.

  6. madmat member avatar

    madmat Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Ok, with a little tweaking we got it working, thanks to your support. Can be closed.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      8 years ago

      Nice work! Glad to hear it.

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