#2323 - Support SuiteCRM 7.7 beta versions
We will finally be upgrading our instance of SuiteCRM from 7.2 to 7.7 when it's officially released (supposed to be late July). I would like to test the 7.7 beta2 verssion that is out now in our test environment but I think I would need an updated version of SS correct? Thanks.
8 years ago
I should be able to get you something. Give me until Tuesday. If you don't hear from me via email please follow up here.
8 years ago
Great thanks!
8 years ago
Just emailed you a version for 7.7 beta2.
8 years ago
Don't know if it's a big deal, but if you can do it for the 7.7 RC that'd be great.
8 years ago
Forget about it, the official launch of 7.7 is Monday the 1st.