#2517 - Upgraded version of SuiteCRM 7.2.2 to 7.7.4
Dear Sirs,
After upgrading the version of SuiteCRM to 7.7.4 we are experiencing problem when standard users are accessing Reports for SugarCRM CE. Admins can see all of it but standard users even if they have access thru roles or security groups cannot access Reports.
Thank you.
8 years ago
Any time that you upgrade be sure to also install the latest SecuritySuite version. Under your purchases here there will be a SuiteCRM 7.7.4 version. After installing it run a Quick Repair & Rebuild and a Repair Roles. Everything should work as expected after that.
Hope this helps!
8 years ago
Thank you very much. Repair Roles was the key, I did Quick Repair & Rebuild severlal times before.
Best Regards,
8 years ago
Glad that worked out!