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#2526 - Group view policy is not being applied to custom modules

Closed Bug? created by Jawad Zafar 8 years ago
I was trying to apply role for group only view for some custom modules and assigned that role to one of the groups I created. I added some users to that group. Technically it should bring up all the records of users in that group for any user in the group. But unfortunately its not happening. Can you help regarding this issue?
  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

  2. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

  3. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

  4. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

  5. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

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