#2526 - Group view policy is not being applied to custom modules
I was trying to apply role for group only view for some custom modules and assigned that role to one of the groups I created. I added some users to that group. Technically it should bring up all the records of users in that group for any user in the group. But unfortunately its not happening. Can you help regarding this issue?
8 years ago
Here are some things that I usually check when having problems with a setup:
Hopefully one of these will be the key.
8 years ago
Was the Hookup Tool used for the custom module? Yes the module is already added. Were the groups added to the custom module records that are not showing? If it means that I need to setup the role for that module's list view to "Group", then yes. If its something other than that, please tell me about it. When viewing a user with the issue, does the role grid show the appropriate permissions? Yes the access shows the "Group" in list view. Is the role assigned to the group? Yes. The is assigned to the group. Has the user logged out and then logged back in? Yes. Tried multiple times with no success.
FYI, other policies are being applied like "Owner" and "All" when I set it in the roles. But group is not functional.
Please let me know about the second point. I think I'm missing something. I had created the records before adding users to the groups and applying roles. If there is some missing criteria, do let me know so I can proceed accordingly.
Thank you.
8 years ago
If you are using Group rights on the roles then be sure that the group is also added to your records in the Security Groups subpanel of the custom module. That will be the key.
8 years ago
Actually I needed to hide it for the clients so they won't get annoyed. Isn't there a way that the records gets the group automatically? If not, should I need to specify/assign groups to each record I want to show in a specific group? Because in my case, user of Group A is creating a record and user of Group B (or C or D...) is being assigned using hooks to that record according to some criteria. I now want to show Group B users the data assigned to all the users of Group B only. Each group can see all the data according to their groups.
8 years ago
Yes, groups can be added automatically going forward, but not for existing records. Going forward, they would be added based on however you have inheritance rules defined in your SecuritySuite Settings. For pre-existing records you will need to use the Mass Assign on the list views or go to the database and script inserts into the securitygroups_records table.
8 years ago
Ok. Thanks for the quick reply. I will verify it after following your suggestions. Can you suggest some settings for the criteria above as I'm new to SecuritySuite? I have all check boxes checked in the settings except these (I think these are defaults):
Filter User List Use Creator Group Select Inbound email account
8 years ago
It all depends, but what you have is a good starting point.
8 years ago
I just added some records in the groups and still not getting the required results. What I can notice is the records being populated are only relevant to the current user. Which can be perceived as the result of "Owner" rights. Don't now where is the actual problem. Do you have any idea?
8 years ago
Inherited groups will be based on the inheritance rules set up under SecuritySuite Settings. There are 3 big ones: Inherit by Created By User, Inherit by Assigned To User, Inherit by Parent Record.
Whatever group is assigned to the record is the group that can view the record on list/detail views if the users in that same group are assigned a role with group access to list/detail.
8 years ago
Thanks for elaborating the things. After running a repair and rebuild and repair roles, I finally got what I wanted. Thanks for your help again.
8 years ago
Fantastic! I was getting nervous there. Glad you got it working.