#2537 - hidden field from some team
Now i have sugercrm Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) , i install 6.5.24_SecuritySuite_Full-Edition_v2.9.4a to get some features
Need Fields Hidden From Some group how can i add in role management
Now i have sugercrm Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) , i install 6.5.24_SecuritySuite_Full-Edition_v2.9.4a to get some features
Need Fields Hidden From Some group how can i add in role management
8 years ago
Hi there!
To hide fields from a group:
Hope this helps!
8 years ago
yes got it and work good
8 years ago
now i have another thing
if i have 3 security group ( group sales & group Tech & group manager ) now i can choose the contact and go to Security Groups: Mass Assign then choose the group how can see this contact
so if i assign the contact to sales then tech can't see it its working good but when the user under security group create new record not assign to same group all group can see it !! how can i solve this when user create new record automatic assign to security Groups: Mass Assign
8 years ago
Under Admin->SecuritySuite->SecuritySuite Settings are a bunch of configurations for how groups get inherited on new records. You will want to tweak these settings as needed. For most, the default settings work exactly as needed, but they can be fine tuned if you don't want groups automatically added to new records.
7 years ago
Mon Jan 16 15:02:39 2017 [15785][87cef48b-d0a9-5392-1310-56dbe20f329e][FATAL] Error updating table: aos_products_quotes: Query Failed: UPDATE aos_products_quotes SET name='Enet',date_modified='2017-01-16 12:02:34',modified_user_id='87cef48b-d0a9-5392-1310-56dbe20f329e',description=NULL,assigned_user_id='ef70ff08-653e-2ed4-8469-56ea9c44083a',part_number='4',item_description='Enet',number=1,product_qty=4,product_cost_price=0,product_list_price=0,product_discount=7.33,product_discount_amount=0,discount=,product_unit_price=0,vat_amt=0,product_total_price=0,vat=,parent_type='AOS_Invoices',parent_id='86f329ed-acab-4b23-be2e-587bc20579de',product_id='4e35048f-d8dc-578d-b2c3-56ea9d46abd4',group_id='bcf56e6f-9a5b-3516-9a07-587bc2eda1e2' WHERE aos_products_quotes.id = 'cd4cee13-f935-6eea-24ee-587bc2db84c2' AND deleted=0: MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'product_unit_price=0,vat_amt=0,product_total_price=0,vat=,parent_type='AOS_Invoi' at line 2
7 years ago
when i try to edit any thing in invoice any thing else i can edit except the in voice then i receive "Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details "
7 years ago
I see the error in the generated SQL. It is the discount=, part. You will want to contact the SuiteCRM team here about it as it is related to the Invoices module and not SecuritySuite: https://suitecrm.com/community/forum