by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SugarCRM or SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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#272 - ùproblem with permissions

Closed Feature created by joseluisciccio 11 years ago

I nead to let permission to chose which group to assign a record to a normal user. How can i do that?

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    11 years ago


    If I understand the quesiton, you want to allow other non-admins to select and assign groups manually. Check out this FAQ for how to set up the role permissions to do this:


  2. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    Thank you i fixed the proble. Now I have another question. Three levels for commercials. Director, that has to be able to see all the informations of a growp of agents, which is composed by: area manager - senior Agent and Junior Agent. Area manager hast to be able to see all senior and junior informations of his area. Senior and Junior only theyr info. Is it possibl to do that with your module?

  3. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    Ok I understood how it works!

  4. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    will this plugin work for coming versions of sugar? can I be confident on buying it? because if I start using it now then we are toghether forever

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      Of course. SecuritySuite has been around in some form since 2006. The version for 6.5.16 was just released yesterday. Just a day after that new release was announced.


  5. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    I have problems uninstalling the Sugarcrm ce Team module. I thnk there is a conflict between each other. How can I remove completelly team module from sugarforge

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      I don't know how that module works. At the very least you could unzip that original zip and 1-by-1 delete the corresponding files, but there would also need some database work done to clean it all up. Dangerous to do if you aren't comfortable with getting SugarCRM back to a working state.

  6. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    11 years ago

    Closing this case as it appears that you have everything working now.

  7. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    I had a big problem in the las few days with a conflict with sugarcrm ce team module. I wasn't able to see any list view. I'm traying to fix the problem to have your module running correctly.

  8. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    I have find out it does not depend on your module.

  9. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    I keep having this message in sugar log when trying to enter a record: Wed Oct 30 16:07:02 2013 [15439][1][FATAL] Query Failed: select team_id from team_memberships where user_id='1' and deleted=0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'admin_crm.team_memberships' doesn't exist Wed Oct 30 16:07:02 2013 [15439][1][FATAL] Query Failed: select team_id from team_memberships where user_id='1' and deleted=0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'admin_crm.team_memberships' doesn't exist

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      That's not a SecuritySuite table. Most likely from that CE Teams module. If their uninstall didn't work correctly then you may need to manually look for all code chunks with team_memberships, etc and remove them. That is painful!

    • josigiel member avatar


      11 years ago

      can you please indicate me which are the files involved?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      11 years ago

      Sorry, I've never used CE Teams. You will need to contact the developer of that solution on how to remove it. My second best suggestion would be to unzip their module and see what gets uninstalled. Then slowly fix it manually.

      After you are all done I would suggest reinstalling SecuritySuite to be safe.

  10. josigiel member avatar


    11 years ago

    I fixed the problem removing a file from custom/Extension/modules/Ext/Vardefs

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