#2797 - Module Builder crash in 7.7.8
since I migrate from suiteCRM 7.5 (sugar version 6.5.23) to 7.7.8 (sugar version 6.5.24) I can not deploy any package in the Module Builder.
If I disable the SecuritySuite for a moment, I can publish and deploy packages if any error, but if I enable again this plugin, the error continues.
Is there any conflict?
How to reproduce it? 1. Install SecuritySuite 6.5.24 2. Go to module builder and create a new package with a new module 3. Try to publish (blank screen) or deploy (alert error message)
7 years ago
Thanks for the steps to reproduce. I'm looking into it and will report back. Hopefully with a fix.
7 years ago
I'm unable to reproduce the problem thus far. What does the alert error message say? Do you see anything errors at the time that you try to publish in suitecrm.log or your PHP error log? What version of PHP are you running? Are PHP Notices turned off? Is Strict Standards disabled?
7 years ago
My PHP version is PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.21 (fpm-fcgi) (built: Oct 28 2015 01:47:51)
When I try to: * publish a module: I directly have a blank screen. Any error in the logs:
Any error in the logs:
And this is the log:
7 years ago
Everything looks fine in the logs there. My best guess is that the MB deployer/publisher is running into file permission issues. For that I suggest this script: http://www.shanedowling.com/sugarcrm-permissions-script/
In addition to that, I suggest checking the browser console to see what is being returned via the AJAX request when you try to deploy/publish. There may be something useful in that returned HTML.
Do you see anything in the PHP error logs?
7 years ago
Closing this out as it has been quite awhile. I hope that everything has been resolved at this point.