#2798 - Bug found on "pipeline by sales stage" and "outcome by month" dashlets
Hi Jason,
Found a bug by doing some digging on those dashlets. They were not returning any data and noticed the sg where clause generated had **secr.module = ''**
I found out the source of the problem in both modules/Charts/Dashlets/OutcomeByMonthDashlet/OutcomeByMonthDashlet.php & modules/Charts/Dashlets/PipelineBySalesStageDashlet/PipelineBySalesStageDashlet.php. I changed the call
$group_where = SecurityGroup::getGroupWhere($report_bean->table_name,$report_bean->report_bean,$current_user->id);
$group_where = SecurityGroup::getGroupWhere($report_bean->table_name,$report_bean->**module_name**,$current_user->id);
to fix the issue. Could exist in other dashlets, but those are the only ones I use.
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago