#283 - Blank ListView on 6.5.15 (upgraded)
6.5.15 (upgraded), windows and Linux Blank full ListView in Accounts, Contacts when default sort by fullname (or multiselect) - if sort full list by title or search some name - result is OK Blank full ListView in Calls, Opportunities when default sort by MultiSelect (solved by removing multiselect in listview from 1 position). If search by name (subj) - result is OK. free version worked well...
Thanks in advance
11 years ago
I'm not able to replicate the issue on a fresh 6.5.15 instance.
If it is blank then there should be a database error in sugarcrm.log. Can you find that and paste it here or just email me the whole file? What other modules do you have installed? O
Also try a Quick Repair & Rebuild and execute any generated queries.
There is also a long standing potential issue that rarely affects some Linux installs:
Only needed if you get this error on the list views: MySQL error 1109: Unknown table 'SecurityGroups' in order clause Please make sure that the MySQL variable lower_case_table_names is set to 1. To find if lower_case_table_names is set to 1 run the following query against your MySQL database: show global variables like 'lower_case_table_names'; See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/identifier-case-sensitivity.html for more information.
11 years ago
I've also seen sorting cause blank list views due to related fields being on the list view. Trying to think of other things to look for.
11 years ago
Thanks for the answer! blank listview is wrong word ... i mean 0 search result for all blank fields on the searchform. No errors. But if enter some value to search - it returns result.
11 years ago
I'm not able to replicate that either. Sounds like one of SugarCRM's options. Maybe the save_query option found here: support.sugarcrm.com/04_Find_Answers/02KB/02Administration/100Troubleshooting/Common_Performance_Tweaks#highlighter_340529
11 years ago
Just following up to see if you were able to resolve the 0 search result issue. If you set debug on what do you see in the SQL that gets generated?
11 years ago
yes, thanks for following up it solved somehow
10 years ago
I have the same problem, but with $sugar_config['save_query'] = 'populate_only'; it's not working, I still have 0 record...
10 years ago
After you search for something does the list view return anything?
Do you have APC or Memcache set up on the server? If so, try restarting the server. Also make sure that prior to that you have done a Repair Roles and a Quick Repair and Rebuild, just in case.
It may also be a file permissions issue.
Hopefully Kir can chime in with any new insights that they may have found.