#2866 - SG subpanel in SuiteCRM Reports detail view missing
I've noticed when using the reports moduie in SuiteCRM v7.7.9 that the SG subpanel does not appear in the records detail view, but the "Mass Assign" panel appears on list view and works. How would I get it to appear on detail view?
7 years ago
If I recall correctly that view being used is an old DetailView.html/php combo view instead of the view.detail.php views. I'm not entirely sure on the best way to add that subpanel, but trying to find another module with that old view method may lead to some clues.
7 years ago
It's using include/MVC/View/views/view.detail.php which I believe is the standard detail view. I've never really played with subpanels so I have no idea how they are defined.
7 years ago
Was the Hookup tool used to relate Reports to Security Groups?
7 years ago
No I did not use it in this case because of the "Mass Assign" panel that appears on list view and I did not want to break anything.
7 years ago
I have noticed in recent SuiteCRM releases that SecurityGroups is auto added to the vardefs object list which is causing the mass assign, etc to show. This should not be auto assigned and instead the Hookup tool should be used.
To fix, edit /modules/AOR_Reports/vardefs.php and remove security_groups from the last line. Then run a repair/rebuild.
Then you can use the Hookup tool.
7 years ago
I did that but I would get a fatal error:
PHP Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in modules/AOR_Reports/AOR_Report.php on line 385
So I re-enabled the security_groups line in modules/AOR_Reports/vardefs.php and it worked. Don't know if that makes sense or not to you.
7 years ago
That makes no sense, but if it works.
7 years ago
It is working. Thanks for the help.