#298 - Group Access
I've set up Security Groups for users, but when attempting to access an account that's part of a user's Security Group, getting the following message:
You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.
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Also, all accounts in the database are showing up in List View, and only the accounts the user should have access to show up as a clickable link. The accounts with a link show the above mentioned message. All of the Role settings are correct. Any insight on what could be causing this?
11 years ago
Hello Nathan,
Did you assign the appropriate groups to the Accounts yet? You can do this by using the new "Mass Assign" feature on the list view much like the "Mass Update" feature or you can go to an Account and add/remove groups in the Security Groups subpanel.
This should help the List View issue where you are seeing all show up, but make sure that you have Accounts->List set to Group in the user's role. Also make sure that the role is assigned to the user and that the user has logged out back in. SugarCRM caches permissions so any role changes will only go into effect upon next login.
11 years ago
Assigning the groups to the Accounts allowed the user to view them correctly. However, all accounts are still showing up in List View for users. I made sure Accounts->List was set to Group for the users' roles as well.
11 years ago
Getting closer. A good way to check permissions is to go to the user record and click on the Access tab. See what Accounts->List is set to there. A user could have multiple roles associated to it either directly or through all the groups assigned to the user. The rights shown on this grid are the greatest of all the rights from all the roles combined. There is a way under settings to make this restrictive instead.
Also, what version of SugarCRM are you on? 6.5.16? This specific case gets tested on each release, but I just tested locally again on 6.5.16 to make sure and it looks to be restricting the list view to just the records either assigned to the user or to the user's groups.
Let me know what you find. -Jason
11 years ago
For the user I'm testing this on, their access for Accounts->List is set to 'Group', and I verified all groups assigned to them have the same Role selected. I'm on SugarCRM version 6.5.14
11 years ago
I'll send you an email to follow up on this. Just tested on 6.5.14 and it looks fine there.
11 years ago
Also, if that user is an "admin" user no roles get applied to the user.
8 years ago
Just cleaning up. Feel free to follow up here if needed.