#314 - Mass Assign not working
I have created a team and have tried to mass assign accounts to the team. It "acts" like it's doing so, but in the end, nothing transfers. Any thoughts? BTW, I have experimented with this on another version of Sugar (our "sandbox") and everything was working perfectly.
Thanks, Rebecca
11 years ago
Hello Rebecca,
Haven't heard of that. Since it is working on sandbox, try running a Quick Repair & Rebuild then run a Repair Relationships. After that, try a Mass Assign again and see if there are any errors in the browser console or sugarcrm.log. My guess is that there is a missing relationship and the repair should catch it. Second guess would be a file permissions issue on production that caused the install to not correctly finish.
10 years ago
Closing this out as it has been 6 months without a reply. If you do still have issues feel free to comment here.